4115-5-03. Central nonprofit agencies' responsibilities  

Latest version.
  • The central nonprofit agencies, as defined in rule 4115-1-01 of the Administrative Code, shall have the following responsibilities:

    (A) Represent qualified nonprofit agencies before the committee under the state use program.

    (B) Evaluate the qualifications and capabilities of qualified nonprofit agencies and provide the committee with pertinent data concerning their status as qualified nonprofit agencies, their manufacturing or service capabilities, and other information required by the committee.

    (C) Recommend to the committee suitable products or services for procurement from qualified nonprofit agencies with appropriate justification for recommended prices.

    (D) Distribute within the policy guidelines of the committee (by direct allocation, or any other means) orders from government purchasing entities among qualified nonprofit agencies.

    (E) Maintain the necessary records and data on qualified nonprofit agencies to enable it to allocate orders equitably.

    (F) Oversee qualified nonprofit agencies to insure contract compliance in the production of a product or performance of a service.

    (G) As market conditions change, recommend price revisions with appropriate justification for products or site-specific services on the procurement list.

    (H) Monitor, in association with the committee, the activities of qualified nonprofit agencies to ensure compliance with sections 4115.31 to 4115.35 of the Revised Code and rules 4115-1-01 to 4115-7-17 of the Administrative Code.

    (I) Enter, as necessary, into contracts with government procuring entities for the furnishing of products or site-specific services provided by the qualified nonprofit agencies.

    (J) Submit to the committee a comprehensive annual report for each fiscal year concerning the operations of the qualified nonprofit agencies under the act, including significant accomplishments and developments, and such other details as the central nonprofit agency considers appropriate or the committee may request. The annual report shall also include the most recent audit report on the central nonprofit agency. This report will be submitted by December twenty-sixth following the fiscal year ending the preceding June thirtieth.

    (K) Pay the qualified nonprofit agencies within thirty days of receipt of an accurate invoice from the qualified nonprofit agencies.

    (L) Submit to the committee an annual budget.

    (M) Submit to the committee a monthly financial statement.

    (N) Plan, finance, organize and hold an annual meeting of qualified nonprofit agencies, ordering offices and the committee.

    (O) Serve as a resource for work-related adaptive technology to qualified nonprofit agencies.

    (P) Keep logs or other documentation of technical assistance provided to qualified nonprofit agencies including, but not limited to, the cost and hours of such technical assistance.

    (Q) Keep logs or other documentation detailing the dedication of hours and cost spent on public relations programs.

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 04/07/2003 and 04/07/2005
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4115.33
Rule Amplifies: 4115.31, 4115.32, 4115.33, 4115.34, 4115.35
Prior Effective Dates: 9/29/77, 10/11/91 (Emer.), 12/21/91, 10/9/97, 2/1/99