4123-21-07. Effect of cancelled subscription  

Latest version.
  • (A) No coverage will be extended to an operator whose subscription has been cancelled, except:

    (1) In the case of a successor operator who immediately applies for coverage effective the day following cancellation of the prior operator's coverage pursuant to rule 4123-21-01 of the Administrative Code, and

    (2) In the case described in paragraph (D) of rule 4123-21-02 of the Administrative Code.

    (B) Thirty days prior to cancellation of an operator's subscription, the bureau shall notify the defaulting operator and the United States department of labor of the impending cancellation.

    (C) An operator whose subscription has been cancelled may apply for reinstatement at any time, provided that such application shall be governed by rules 4123-21-01 and 4123-21-02 of the Administrative Code.

Effective: 4/1/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/10/2019 and 04/01/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4121.12, 4121.121
Rule Amplifies: 4131.04
Prior Effective Dates: 06/03/1982, 12/18/1989 (Emer.), 02/22/1990