4501-47-11. Termination of third-party testing agreement  

Latest version.
  • [Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this rule, see paragraph (A) of rule 4501-47-01 of the Administrative Code.]

    (A) The department reserves the right to cancel the third-party testing agreement in its entirety as required by 49 C.F.R. 383.75.

    (B) The department shall terminate the agreement of a third-party tester upon the following grounds:

    (1) Failure to comply with or satisfy any of the provisions of this chapter, the department's instructions or the third-party tester agreement;

    (2) Falsification of any records or information relating to the third-party testing program;

    (3) Commission of any act which compromises the integrity of the third-party program; and

    (4) For third-party examiner driver's license suspension, revocation, recall, disqualification or commission of an offense proscribed by rules 4501-47-03, 4501-47-04, and 4501-47-09 of the Administrative Code.

    (C) If the department determines that grounds for cancellation exists for failure to comply with or satisfy any of these requirements or violation of the third-party tester agreement, the department may postpone cancellation and allow the third-party tester or examiner up to thirty days to correct the deficiency.

Effective: 11/19/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/03/2015 and 09/03/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4506.09
Rule Amplifies: 4506.09
Prior Effective Dates: 10/2/89 (Emer.), 12/18/89, 11/24/05