4501-53-14. Basic riding skills for returning rider  

Latest version.
  • [Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this rule, see rule 4501-53-16 of the Administrative Code.]

    (A) The basic riding skills-returning rider (BRS-RR) curriculum and sequence shall be validated by motorcycle Ohio and approved by the director and shall instill in the student the knowledge, attitudes, habits and skills necessary for the safe operation of a motorcycle on the roadway and includes instruction relating to the effect of alcohol and drugs on the operation of motorcycles. Such material shall not be taught out of sequence or modified by instructors, unless authorized by the motorcycle Ohio coordinator.

    (B) The content and organization of the basic rider course must be based upon documented research that has been shown to be effective in providing safety training in accordance with, at a minimum, section 4 - roadway management skills of "The Model National Standards for Entry-Level Motorcycle Rider Training." The course curriculum and requirements will be formalized in the motorcycle Ohio policy and procedure manual.

    (C) The course must include an on-cycle skill test approved by the director.

    (D) The BRS-RR shall have the following instructor to student ratio:

    (1) Classroom - one instructor may teach a maximum of twenty-four registered students;

    (2) Range - one instructor may instruct no fewer than two students nor more than six students on motorcycles. Two instructors shall instruct no more than twelve students on motorcycles;

    (3) The maximum capacity for on-cycle instruction is twelve students.

    (E) Students shall have a valid temporary instruction motorcycle identification card (TIPIC), a motorcycle endorsement, or a motorcycle-only license prior to participating in range instruction.

    (F) Unless otherwise approved by the department, the BRS-RR shall use training motorcycles provided by the provider with 100cc to 500cc engine displacement.

    (G) Every student participating in the BRS-RR range instruction must wear proper riding gear, which includes helmet and eye protection that is in compliance with Chapter 4501-17 of the Administrative Code, sturdy over-the-ankle footwear, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, sturdy full-length pants without holes or tears, and full-fingered gloves.

    (H) Students successfully completing the BRS-RR shall be issued a completion card for the purpose of course verification.

    (I) Upon completion of the BRS-RR, the provider shall submit, electronically, to the department, a student report form, and any other course paperwork as requested by the department.

Effective: 5/1/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 02/08/2016 and 04/15/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4508.08
Rule Amplifies: 4508.08
Prior Effective Dates: 4/21/11