4713-19-09. Maintaining records for sunlamp product services  

Latest version.
  • (A) The operator of a tanning facility shall maintain a file for each individual seeking to use the sunlamp tanning service. Each file shall include:

    (1) Date of most recent exposure to UVA/UVB, including any dates provided by the individual documenting recent exposure in other tanning facilities;

    (2) Copies of the consent forms developed by the Ohio state cosmetology and barber board that have been signed by the individual, parent, or legal guardian, in accordance with division (B) of section 4713.50 of the Revised Code based upon the age of the individual seeking to use the sunlamp tanning service;

    (3) A record of the individual's skin type, the date the determination was made, and the certified operator who made the skin type determination;

    (4) Acknowledgment of receipt of protective eyewear or that the individual will use their own approved eyewear;

    (5) Acknowledgment that the individual has been advised of maximum exposure time for the session in the unit to which the individual has been assigned;

    (B) Tanning facilities that maintain records on computer or data processing equipment may use a single paper sign-in sheet for all individuals tanning in a single day. By the end of every day the tanning facility is open for business, the tanning facility shall transfer the information from the paper sign-in sheet to the individual's permanent file.

    (C) Tanning facilities that utilize electronic signatures and/or biometric identification may utilize the electronic scan or electronic signature in place of a paper sign-in sheet as noted in paragraph (B) of this rule.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/27/2020 and 08/27/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4713.08(A)(17)
Rule Amplifies: 4713.01, 4713.48, 4713.49, 4713.50
Prior Effective Dates: 01/18/1985, 03/16/1990, 02/24/1991, 01/26/1997, 01/17/2002, 01/10/2004, 11/01/2013, 10/10/2015, 02/16/2018, 02/21/2019

Prior History: (Effective: 2/21/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/10/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4713.08(A)(17)
Rule Amplifies: 4713.01, 4713.50, 4713.49, 4713.48
Prior Effective Dates: 01/18/1985, 03/16/1990, 02/24/1991, 01/26/1997, 01/17/2002, 01/10/2004, 11/01/2013, 10/10/2015, 02/16/2018)