4713-19-15. Temporary chemical tanning facilities

Latest version.
  • (A) The board may issue a temporary chemical tanning facility permit for businesses who provide chemical airbrush tanning services located on premises other than a fixed location. A temporary chemical tanning facility permit is valid for the premise where the service is provided. The service location must be reported to the board prior to the service on forms prescribed by the board. A holder of a temporary chemical tanning facility permit issued under this rule may report a monthly schedule of premises in a manner prescribed by the board, in lieu of reporting each premise location separately. Upon recording the new temporary premise(s), the chemical airbrush tanning services may only be offered at the new facility premise(s) of record.

    (B) The applicant shall be responsible for affirming that the facility premise for the temporary service will meet the conditions for a facility permit under section 4713.48 of the Revised Code. In addition, the applicant shall submit the following:

    (1) An application fee in accordance with rule 4713-19-01 of the Administrative Code;

    (2) A complete application form, including:

    (a) The date of the event;

    (b) The location of the premise where chemical airbrush tanning services shall be performed; and

    (c) The applicant's address of record.

    (C) Applicants for a chemical tanning facility permit shall undergo an initial inspection of the chemical tanning equipment prior to a permit being issued.

    (D) Permit holders shall be responsible for ensuring that they are fully supplied and equipped when they perform services at the premise of record and that they are compliant with all safety and sanitation standards contained in the laws and rules regulating the practice of chemical tanning under Chapter 4713. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder.

    (E) The board expressly reserves the right to inspect temporary chemical tanning facility premises at random and without notice.

Effective: 9/4/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/04/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4713.08(A)(1), 4713.08(A)(20)
Rule Amplifies: 4713.01, 4713.07, 4713.48, 4713.49