4713-21-07. Continuing education requirement notification procedures  

Latest version.
  • The board shall inform each affected licensee or boutique services registration holder of the continuing education requirement that applies to the next renewal period through a posting of the requirement on the official board website.

Effective: 3/7/2017
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/30/2016 and 03/07/2022
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4713.08(A)(1), 4713.08(A)(19), 4713.08(A)(20) , 4713.09
Rule Amplifies: 4713.09, 4713.62, 4743.07
Prior Effective Dates: 6/15/95, 1/26/97, 6/21/2011, 11/01/2013