4723-16-12. Request to address the board regarding a hearing  

Latest version.
  • (A) A representative of record may be permitted to address the board at the time of the board's consideration of the report and recommendation, provided that prior to addressing the board, the representative of record has filed a written request with the board not less than seven days before the board meeting.

    (B) If a representative of record addresses the board, the opposing representative of record shall also be given an opportunity to address the board. The representative of record who submitted a request to address the board first shall make the initial presentation before the board, and if both parties submit a request on the same date, the respondent of record for the state of Ohio shall make the initial presentation.

    (C) Each representative of record who addresses the board shall be given not more than seven minutes in which to do so. The representative of record may request that time for rebuttal be deducted from their allotted time.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/11/2019 and 10/11/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: ORC 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: ORC 4723.28
Prior Effective Dates: 02/01/2000, 02/01/2001, 02/01/2003, 02/01/2005, 02/01/2010, 02/01/2015, 02/01/2016

Prior History: (Effective: 2/1/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/15/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: 4723.28
Prior Effective Dates: 02/01/2000, 02/01/2001, 02/01/2003, 02/01/2005, 02/01/10, 02/01/2015)