4729-5-18. Patient profiles  

Latest version.
  • All pharmacies shall maintain a patient profile system which shall provide for immediate retrieval of information regarding those patients who have received prescriptions from that pharmacy.

    (A) The dispensing pharmacist shall be responsible for ensuring that a reasonable effort has been made to obtain, document, and maintain at least the following records:

    (1) The patient's data record, which should consist of, but is not limited to, the following information:

    (a) Full name of the patient for whom the drug is intended;

    (b) Residential address and telephone number of the patient;

    (c) Patient's date of birth;

    (d) Patient's gender;

    (e) A list of current patient specific data consisting of at least the following:

    (i) Known drug related allergies,

    (ii) Previous drug reactions,

    (iii) History of or active chronic conditions or disease states,

    (iv) Other drugs and nutritional supplements, including nonprescription drugs used on a routine basis, or devices;

    (f) The pharmacist's comments relevant to the individual patient's drug therapy, including any other necessary information unique to the specific patient or drug;

    (2) The patient's drug therapy record, which shall contain at least the following information for all of the prescriptions that were filled at the pharmacy within the last twelve months showing:

    (a) Name and strength of the drug or device;

    (b) Prescription number;

    (c) Quantity dispensed;

    (d) Date dispensed;

    (e) Name of the prescriber;

    (f) Directions for use.

    (B) Any information that is given to the pharmacist by the patient or caregiver to complete the patient data record shall be presumed to be accurate, unless there is reasonable cause to believe the information is inaccurate.

    (C) The patient profile shall be maintained for a period of not less than one year from the date of the last entry in the profile record. This record may be a hard copy or a computerized form.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/30/2016 and 11/15/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4729.26, 3719.28
Rule Amplifies: 4729.26
Prior Effective Dates: 9/10/76, 9/1/85, 3/1/93, 2/1/98, 3/1/99, 2/1/05, 4/27/07, 11/22/11

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 11/22/2011 and 11/15/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4729.26
Rule Amplifies: 4729.26
Prior Effective Dates: 9/10/76, 9/1/85, 3/1/93, 2/1/98, 3/1/99, 2/1/05, 4/27/07 )