4736-11-01. Provisions for issuing certificate  

Latest version.
  • (A) Within ninety days following the applicant meeting the requirements and, when applicable passing the examination given by the board for registration, the appropriate wall certificate shall be issued by the board.

    (B) All certificates of registration shall expire each year on the assigned expiration date unless renewed pursuant to section 4736.11 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

    (C) As used in rules in Chapter 4736-11 of the Administrative Code, registrant or registrants means registered sanitarian or registered sanitarian in training.

Effective: 5/15/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/14/2015 and 05/15/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4736.03
Rule Amplifies: 4736.09
Prior Effective Dates: 06/01/1978, 9/15/89, 05/01/2008