4741-1-10. Minimum standards  

Latest version.
  • The board shall, pursuant to section 4741.22 of the Revised Code and to the extent permitted by law, take action against the license of any veterinarian or the registration of a veterinary technician for a departure from, or the failure to conform to, minimal standards of care of similar practitioners under the same or similar circumstances, whether or not actual injury to the patient is established.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/4/2019 and 03/04/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4741.03(C)(9)
Rule Amplifies: 4741.22
Prior Effective Dates: 04/21/2009

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/04/2014 and 03/01/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4741.03(C)(9)
Rule Amplifies: 4741.22
Prior Effective Dates: 04/21/2009)