4755-23-14. Criminal records check  

Latest version.
  • (A) In addition to the requirements established in rules 4755-23-01 to 4755-23-04 of the Administrative Code, all applicants for initial licensure as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant shall submit to a criminal records check completed by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation in accordance with section 4755.70 of the Revised Code. The results of the criminal records check shall be received by the board prior to the issuance of a license to practice as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.

    (B) An applicant requesting a criminal records check shall provide the bureau of criminal identification and investigation with the applicant's name, address, and any other information required by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation for the purpose of completing the criminal records checks. The applicant shall cause the results of the criminal records checks to be forwarded to the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board at "77 South High Street, 16th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108."

    (C) In the request, the applicant shall ask the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation to obtain from the federal bureau of investigation any information it has pertaining to the applicant.

    (D) The physical therapy section will only accept the results of a criminal records check that is submitted to the board directly by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation in compliance with this rule.

    (E) A criminal records check will not be required if the applicant has caused the results of a criminal records check to be filed with the board in accordance with the requirements of this rule within six months of the date that the board received the results of the criminal records check. A new criminal records check will be required if the applicant's criminal records check on file with the board is greater than six months old based on the date the board received the report.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/27/2020 and 04/01/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4776.03
Rule Amplifies: 4755.70
Prior Effective Dates: 05/01/2008, 05/01/2009, 05/01/2012

Prior History: (Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 04/01/2015 and 04/01/2020
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4776.03
Rule Amplifies: 4755.70
Prior Effective Dates: 5/1/08, 5/1/09, 5/1/12)