4765-7-06. Notification to the board  

Latest version.
  • (A) An EMS accredited institution or EMS approved institution shall provide written notice to the division no later than ten days after any of the following changes occur in the institution for which the certificate of accreditation or certificate of approval was issued:

    (1) Mailing address and or/physical location;

    (2) Authorizing official name and/ or contact information;

    (3) Program director name and/or contact information;

    (4) Program medical director name and/or contact information.

    (B) An EMS accredited institution or EMS approved institution may not increase the number of hours included in the EMS training program without first providing written notice of the proposed changes to the board.

Replaces: Former 4765-7-06

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 3/12/2018 and 03/01/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4765.11
Rule Amplifies: 4765.15, 4765.16
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/1996, 02/22/1999, 11/29/2007

Prior History: (R.C. 119.032 review dates: 05/13/2014 and 11/13/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: R.C. 4765.11
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 4765.15, 4765.16
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/96, 2/22/99 and 11/29/07)