4765-8-15. Certification by reciprocity  

Latest version.
  • (A) For purposes of granting reciprocity, the board may review EMS license or certification requirements in other states, the district of Columbia, or the U.S. military to identify those that are substantially similar to the curriculum and certification standards set forth in Chapter 4765. of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-1 to 4765-19 of the Administrative Code.

    (B) An applicant for a certificate to practice issued under section 4765.30 of the Revised Code and this chapter who holds an EMS certificate or license from another state, the district of Columbia, or any branch of the U.S. military may be issued a certificate to practice by reciprocity provided that the applicant meets the following qualifications:

    (1) Submits a completed application;

    (2) Meets the criteria for a certificate to practice as listed in rule 4765-8-01 of the Administrative Code;

    (3) Submits documentation, as required by the division, demonstrating that the applicant completed a course of instruction that is substantially similar to the Ohio curriculum at the level of certification sought;

    Areas of instruction that are not substantially similar to the Ohio curriculum must be completed through an institution accredited under section 4765.17 of the Revised Code and Chapter 4765-7 of the Administrative Code.

    (4) Holds a valid and current EMS certificate or license from another state or branch of the U.S. military that is in good standing;

    (a) An applicant who is or was a member of the U.S. military, and received EMS training through the U.S. military, is not required to hold a state certificate or license but must submit proof of military membership and completion of training during such membership.

    (b) An applicant who completed training in another state and met all requirements for a certificate or license in that state, except for an affiliation with an EMS agency in that state, is not required to hold a certificate or license issued by that state if the applicant submits proof of the following:

    (i) The applicant would have received a certificate or license from the state in which training was completed if the applicant had been affiliated with an EMS agency in that state;

    (ii) The applicant would be within the initial certification cycle of said certificate or license.

    (5) Holds a valid and current certificate from the national registry of emergency medical technicians (NREMT) at the level of certification sought or above.

    (6) Submits an application fee of seventy-five dollars.

    (C) An applicant must meet all requirements listed in paragraph (B) of this rule at the time of application. An application that is missing documentation or information required by this rule will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed. Such application will be returned to the applicant with the notation that the application is incomplete.

    (D) A certificate to practice by reciprocity shall be issued in accordance with the certification cycles set forth in rule 4765-8-06 of the Administrative Code.

    (E) An applicant issued a certificate to practice by reciprocity must complete continuing education as provided under section 4765.24 of the Revised Code and Chapters 4765-12, 4765-15, 4765-16, and 4765-17 of the Administrative Code at the level of certification issued.

    (F) An individual issued a certificate to practice by reciprocity who fails to renew said certificate may seek reinstatement as set forth in rule 4765-8-18 of the Administrative Code. An individual who is eligible for reinstatement may not apply for certification by reciprocity at or below the level of the expired certificate.

    (G) An individual whose certificate to practice has been revoked or permanently revoked is not eligible for reciprocity.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 01/14/2016 and 01/14/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4765.11
Rule Amplifies: 4765.30
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/93, 2/22/99, 3/23/03, 2/13/06, 07/02/09, 1/1/11, 4/1/11

Prior History: (Effective: 04/01/2011
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/14/2011 and 01/14/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: R.C. 4765.11
Rule Amplifies: R.C. 4765.30
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/93, 2/22/99, 3/23/03, 2/13/06, 07/02/09, 1/1/11 )