4781-7-02. Certified manufactured home inspectors  

Latest version.
  • (A) All manufactured home inspectors that are not employed by the division shall be certified by the division. Certification shall be valid for three years.

    (B) An applicant to become a certified inspector shall meet the following:

    (1) Experience. The applicant shall meet at least one of the following:

    (a) Three years' experience in a position of responsibility, directly related to construction, such as foreman, which required the ability to effectively read and interpret building plans and specifications; or

    (b) Three years' experience in an architect or engineer office performing building design or drafting duties or construction supervision; or

    (c) An associate degree (two years) from a college or university in architecture, engineering, or building technology; or

    (d) Three years as a quality assurance inspector or field service technician in a manufactured homes manufacturing plant; or

    (e) Three years as an Ohio licensed manufactured home installer; or

    (f) International code council or board of building standards current and active certification as a building inspector, residential inspector, or plans reviewer; or

    (g) Any combination of experience and education in the manufactured homes construction industry or building construction industry totaling three years as approved by the division; or

    (h) Other equivalent experience as approved by the division.

    (2) Submit a complete application on a form approved by the division and a nonrefundable fee as set forth in paragraph (G) of this rule.

    (3) Successfully complete an approved inspector training course for the certification of manufactured homes inspectors;

    (4) Pass the written examination prescribed by the division.

    (C) Incomplete applications shall be held open for six months following notification of incomplete requirements by regular mail, facsimile, or email. After five months, a final notice of incomplete application shall be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested. If at the end of the six- month period the application remains incomplete, it shall be considered abandoned and the applicant shall be required to submit a new application, including any fees.

    (D) Each certified inspector shall apply for renewal and pay a nonrefundable renewal fee in an amount set forth in paragraph (G) of this rule prior to the expiration date of the certification. Any individual whose certification has expired may obtain a renewal within one year from the date of its expiration provided the holder has met all requirements for renewal, including payment of the renewal fee. All applications for renewal of expired certifications shall be processed as renewals during the one-year period following expiration. All applications for renewal of expired certifications submitted more than one year following the expiration shall be processed as a new application. The holder of a certification that has expired shall not perform any duties for which a certification is required.

    (E) All certified inspectors shall be required to complete a minimum of twelve hours of continuing education training for each certification period. The certified inspector shall provide the division with verification of completion of the required continuing education on the appropriate continuing education form.

    (F) Certified inspectors .

    (1) The division may set qualifications and contract with certified inspectors as the division deems necessary to carry out additional inspections in all areas of the state.

    (2) A copy of all deficiency reports from a certified inspector must be provided to the division. The deficiency report shall include the name and license number of the installer, a list of the deficiency or non-compliant items and the list of corrections, and the time period for the installer to correct the listed deficiencies or non-compliant items.

    (G) Certification fees.

    (1) The non-refundable initial fee for certified inspectors shall be fifty dollars for each three -year certification period.

    (2) The non-refundable renewal fee for certified inspectors shall be fifty dollars.

    (3) Fees shall be made payable, by check or money order, to "Treasurer, State of Ohio," or by credit card. Any payment of fees may be subject to a convenience fee as charged to the division.

    (H) The division may deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the certification of any manufactured home inspector or any inspection agency for any of the following reasons:

    (1) Failure to meet the requirements for a certification or renewal of a certification under Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code;

    (2) Failure to meet the continuing education requirements for renewal for a certification under Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code;

    (3) Violation of Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code;

    (4) Making a false or material misstatement in an application for certification;

    (5) Inspecting manufactured homes in Ohio without a certification or without being employed as an inspector by a certified building department, health department, or third party agency;

    (6) Been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude or a disqualifying offense as those terms are defined in section 4776.10 of the Revised Code. The term "disqualifying offense" has the same meaning as that term is used in rule 4781-8-03 of the Administrative Code;

    (7) Having had a certification revoked, suspended, or denied by the division;

    (8) Having a certification revoked, suspended, or denied by another state or jurisdiction ;

    (9) Engaging in conduct in another state or jurisdiction that would violate Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code if committed in this state;

    (10) Failing to provide electronic permit/inspection updates on the division website seal report in a timely manner to be determined by the division;

    (11) Acting in a manner that violates the code of ethics for manufactured home inspectors;

    (12) Violations of the division's rules and/or policies.

    (I) In addition to or in lieu of suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew a manufactured home inspector's certification for violation of Chapter 4781. of the Revised Code or any rule adopted pursuant thereto, the division may impose a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars per violation per day.

    (J) Any person whose certification or certification application has been revoked, suspended, denied, or not renewed may request an adjudication hearing within thirty days after receipt of the notice of the action. The hearing shall be held in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

    (K) Reapplication after revocation, denial, or suspension.

    (1) Any person whose certification has been revoked or denied may apply for a new certification two years after the date on which the certification was revoked or denied.

    (2) Any person whose certification has been suspended for a period determined by the division may apply for renewal of the certification within thirty days of the end of the suspension period.

    (L) Upon suspension, revocation, or non-renewal, the person shall return the certification and identification card to the division within three days after receipt of the notice of suspension, revocation, or non-renewal.

Effective: 1/20/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/27/2019 and 01/20/2025
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4781.04, 4781.10, 4781.14
Rule Amplifies: 4781.04, 4781.07, 4781.12, 4781.14
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/2007, 01/01/2010, 06/02/2011, 12/01/2012