4901:1-23-02. Staff notice of probable noncompliance, proposed corrective action, and proposed forfeiture  

Latest version.
  • (A) After an inspection, investigation, or complaint, a staff notice of probable noncompliance may be issued. The staff notice of probable noncompliance may be issued with a proposed corrective action and/or a proposed forfeiture;

    (B) The staff may issue an amended notice of probable noncompliance, proposed corrective action, or proposed forfeiture at any time prior to the commencement of a compliance proceeding or other commission proceeding brought pursuant to rule 4901:1-23-05 of the Administrative Code, in order to modify or include additional probable noncompliance or violations, facts, proposed forfeitures, and proposed compliance orders. Once the commission initiates a compliance or other proceeding pursuant to rule 4901:1-23-05 of the Administrative Code, this rule does not prevent the staff during the course of such proceeding, from seeking a finding of violations not listed in the staff notice or amended staff notice of probable noncompliance(or rescinding or refraining from seeking a finding of violations) or from seeking a corrective action or proposed forfeiture that varies from previous staff notices issued under this rule, provided that the staff's proposed findings and/or violations relate to the same incident, type of incident, investigation, or audit(s).

    (C) Any staff notice of probable noncompliance, proposed corrective action, proposed forfeiture, or amendments thereto shall be served pursuant to rule 4901:1-23-03 of the Administrative Code.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 09/25/2014 and 09/25/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4928.09, 4905.04, 4905.06, 4928.08, 4928.10, 4928.11, 4928.16 Rule Amplifies: 4928.06
Prior Effective Dates: 9/18/2000