4906-3-01. Purpose and scope  

Latest version.
  • (A) This chapter sets forth the specific procedural requirements for the filing of a standard certificate application.

    (B) The board may, upon an application or motion filed by a party, waive any requirement of this chapter other than a requirement mandated by statute.

    (C) With respect to any aspect of the public information program, including all notices, service requirements, and other forms of public information, inadvertent failure of service on, or notice to, any of the persons entitled to receive service pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, may be cured pursuant to orders of the board or the administrative law judge, designed to afford such persons adequate notice to enable their effective participation in the proceeding.

Effective: 12/11/2015
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/30/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4906.034906.20
Rule Amplifies: 4906.03 , 4906.04, 4906.06, 4906.10, 4906.20