5101:2 Division of Social Services  

Chapter 5101:2-1. Children Services Definition of Terms
Chapter 5101:2-5. Child Services Agency Licensing Rules
Chapter 5101:2-7. Foster Care
Chapter 5101:2-9. Children's Residential Centers, Group Homes, and Residential Parenting Facilities
Chapter 5101:2-12. Licensing of Child Care Centers
Chapter 5101:2-13. Licensing Family Care Homes
Chapter 5101:2-14. Certified In-home Aides
Chapter 5101:2-15. Child Care Program Administration
Chapter 5101:2-16. Publicly Funded Child Care
Chapter 5101:2-17. Step up to quality (SUTQ) rating system
Chapter 5101:2-18. Child Day Camps
Chapter 5101:2-20. Adult Protective Services
Chapter 5101:2-23. Early Learning Initiative (ELI)
Chapter 5101:2-25. Title XX Social Services Program: Administration
Chapter 5101:2-33. Administrative Requirements
Chapter 5101:2-34. Reports of Alleged Child Abuse and Neglect
Chapter 5101:2-35. Central Registry Reports on Child Abuse and Neglect; Referral Procedures for Children's Protective Services
Chapter 5101:2-36. Screening and Investigation
Chapter 5101:2-37. Assessments
Chapter 5101:2-38. Case Planning and Reviews
Chapter 5101:2-39. Removals
Chapter 5101:2-40. Supportive Services
Chapter 5101:2-42. Substitute Care
Chapter 5101:2-44. State Adoption Subsidy Program
Chapter 5101:2-47. Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance
Chapter 5101:2-48. Adoption
Chapter 5101:2-49. IV-E Adoption Assistance
Chapter 5101:2-50. Bridges
Chapter 5101:2-51. Adoption Assistance Connections
Chapter 5101:2-52. Interstate Placement of Children
Chapter 5101:2-53. Indian Child Welfare Act
Chapter 5101:2-54.
Chapter 5101:2-57. PCSA Reviews