5101:2-14-05. Safe and sanitary requirements for in-home aides  

Latest version.
  • (A) What are the safe equipment and environment requirements for an in-home aide (IHA)?

    (1) The in-home aide (IHA) shall provide a safe and healthy environment when children are present.

    (2) The IHA shall always be within sight or hearing of a child.

    (3) The IHA shall prepare a report to be given to the child's parent on the day of the incident/injury/illness and kept on file in the home using the JFS 01299 "Incident/Injury Report for Child Care" (rev. 12/2016).

    (4) If any of the following incidents occur, the IHA shall give the county agency verbal notification by the next business day. The JFS 01299 shall be completed and faxed or mailed to the county agency to arrive no later than three business days from the occurrence. This notification does not replace reporting to the county children's protective services agency if there are concerns of child abuse or neglect as required by rule 5101:2-14-04 of the Administrative Code.

    (a) Death of a child while in the care of the IHA.

    (b) Serious incident, injury, or illness to a child. A serious incident, injury or illness includes any situation that requires a child to be removed from the home for medical treatment, professional consultation or transported for emergency treatment.

    (5) Weapons, firearms and ammunition materials shall be kept out of sight of children in locked storage areas. Firearms and ammunition materials shall be stored separately from each other.

    (6) Toys or other materials small enough to be swallowed shall be kept out of the reach of infants and toddlers.

    (7) Electrical outlets, including surge protectors, within the reach of children shall have child proof receptacle covers when not in use.

    (8) There shall be at least one underwriters laboratories (UL) or factory mutual laboratories (FM) smoke detector located in the basement and on each level of the home. The smoke detectors shall be placed, installed, tested and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

    (9) There shall be at least one UL or FM portable fire extinguisher in the home.

    which shall have a minimum rating of 1A:10BC. At least one fire extinguisher shall be located in the kitchen of the home.

    (10) An unlocked, closed first-aid container shall be on the premises and readily available to the IHA but shall be kept out of reach of children. The first-aid container shall contain all of the items listed on the JFS 01533 "In-Home Aide Inspection" (rev. 12/2016).

    (B) What are the requirements to provide and maintain a clean environment by the IHA?

    (1) Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and supplies shall be stored in a space that is inaccessible to children.

    (2) Accumulated trash and garbage shall be stored outside of the indoor or outdoor play area and shall not be accessible to the children.

Replaces: 5101:2-14-33

Effective: 12/31/2016
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 12/31/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5104.019
Rule Amplifies: 5104.019
Prior Effective Dates: 4/1/82, 5/20/83, 10/1/83, 9/1/86, 2/15/88, 5/1/89, 7/1/95, 3/15/96, 10/15/96, 10/1/97 (Emer.), 12/30/97, 1/1/01, 4/1/03, 8/14/08, 8/3/13, 1/1/14