5101:4-6-02. Food assistance: shared parenting  

Latest version.
  • This rule describes the process the county agency shall use when determining eligibility for a dependent child in a shared parenting arrangement.

    (A) What are shared parenting arrangements?

    (1) Shared parenting arrangements include:

    (a) Formal, court ordered arrangements;

    (b) Informal arrangements agreed upon mutually by both parents; or

    (c) A combination of both formal, court ordered arrangements and informal arrangements.

    (2) The county agency shall evaluate actual circumstances when the parents follow an informal arrangement that is different than the shared parenting court order or when there is no formal, court ordered arrangement.

    (B) Can both parents receive supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) for the same child in the same month?

    (1) Both parents cannot receive SNAP for the same child in the same month despite a shared parenting order permitting the child to live with each parent for part of the month.

    (2) Since shared parenting arrangements are not the same in each case, a child's SNAP eligibility shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    (C) How does the county agency determine which assistance group should include the child?

    (1) When only one parent applies for the child and the child lives with him or her for part of the month, then the child shall be included in the parent's assistance group.

    (2) When both parents apply for the child:

    (a) The child shall be included in the assistance group with the parent where he or she lives the majority (more than fifty per cent) of the time.

    (b) When the child lives with each parent an equal amount of time, then the county agency shall determine who provides the majority (more than fifty per cent) of the child's meals:

    (i) When one parent provides the majority of the child's meals, then the county agency shall include the child with the parent who provides the majority of the meals.

    (ii) When both parents provide fifty per cent of the child's meals, then the parents are to agree which parent's assistance group should include the child.

    (iii) When both parents provide fifty per cent of the child's meals but the parents cannot agree which assistance group should include the child, then the county agency shall include the child with the parent who applied first.

    (D) How does the county agency verify shared parenting arrangements?

    The county agency shall use the procedures described in rule 5101:4-2-09 of the Administrative Code to verify shared parenting arrangements. The county agency shall use the best available information to determine eligibility. The county agency shall ensure that all supporting documents are located in the assistance group's case file, as well as document the decision in the statewide automated eligibility system.

    (E) How often should the shared parenting arrangement be evaluated?

    The child shall remain in the parent's assistance group through the assigned certification period once the county agency determines the child should be included in that assistance group based on the process outlined in paragraph (C) of this rule. Eligibility shall only be re-evaluated when there is a:

    (1) Change reported in assistance group composition;

    (2) Change reported in the shared parenting arrangement;

    (3) Recertification; or

    (4) The other parent applies for the same child and:

    (a) The county has not made a determination under paragraph (C)(2) of this rule for the current certification; or

    (b) There has been a change in circumstances since a determination was last made under paragraph (C)(2) of this rule.

Effective: 8/1/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/11/2018 and 08/01/2023
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5101.54
Rule Amplifies: 329.04, 329.042, 5101.54
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/2013