5120:1-8-15. Administrative segregation  

Latest version.
  • (A) (Important) Each jail shall have written policies and procedures that govern the administrative segregation of inmates from the general population.

    (B) (Important) The use of administrative segregation as a penalty shall be prohibited.

    (C) (Important) Administrative segregation shall be employed to separate an inmate from the general population whenever one or more of the following exists:

    (1) The inmate presents an inability to conform with established standards of behavior for general population.

    (2) The inmate poses a threat to self, others, or the security of the jail.

    (3) The inmate presents a need for protection as determined by the jail administrator or designee.

    (4) The inmate is at risk of spreading a communicable disease.

    (5) The jail administrator or designee has otherwise determined that such segregation is necessary and in the best interests of the inmate, staff, or the safe and secure operation of the jail.

    (D) (Important) Within twenty-four hours of administrative segregation, the inmate shall be provided with written documentation of the reason for confinement. The inmate shall be provided an opportunity for a written or oral response to the jail administrator or designee, to be reviewed within seventy-two hours for determination of continued confinement.

    (E) (Important) Inmates held in administrative segregation for thirty consecutive days shall receive an administrative review by the jail administrator or designee. Subsequent reviews shall be conducted every thirty days. Reviews shall be documented.

    (F) (Important) Inmates in administrative segregation shall receive all privileges and rights unless the inmate poses a threat to the security of the jail or the health and welfare of him/herself or others. Any suspension or modification of privileges and/or rights shall be documented.

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/3/2019 and 01/24/2024
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5120.01, 5120.10
Rule Amplifies: 5120.10
Prior Effective Dates: 01/02/1981, 06/02/1986, 09/21/1998, 02/21/2003, 04/20/2014

Prior History: (Effective: 04/20/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/29/2014 and 01/10/2019
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5120.01, 5120.10
Rule Amplifies: 5120.10
Prior Effective Dates: 1/2/81, 6/2/86, 9/21/98, 2/21/2003)