Chapter5160-41. HCBS Waiver VII Program  

5160-41-05. Waiting lists for home and community-based services administered by the Ohio department of developmental disabilities
5160-41-08. Free choice of provider requirements for medicaid home and community-based services programs administered by the Ohio department of developmental disabilities
5160-41-11. Home and community-based waiver services-payment for waiver services administered by the department of developmental disabilities [RESCINDED]
5160-41-12. Home and community-based services waivers - request for prior authorization for individuals enrolled in the individual options waiver [RESCINDED]
5160-41-15. Home and community based waiver services-reimbursement for adult day services as administered by the department of developmental disabilities [RESCINDED]
5160-41-16. Assistance to enable a county board of developmental disabilities to pay non-federal share of medicaid expenditures for home and community-based services
5160-41-17. Medicaid home and community-based services program - self-empowered life funding waiver
5160-41-18. Individual options waiver-payment standards
5160-41-19. Level one waiver-payment standards
5160-41-20. Self-empowered life funding waiver - payment standards
5160-41-21. Medicaid home and community-based services programtransitions developmental disabilities waiver [RESCINDED]
5160-41-22. Transitions developmental disabilities - payment standards [RESCINDED]