5501:2-1-07. Limitations on permits  

Latest version.
  • (A) The permit shall be in the possession of the driver at all times during the permitted movement and must be shown on demand to any law enforcement officer or employee of the Ohio state highway patrol, or any employee of the Ohio department of transportation. A facsimile of a valid permit or a retransmission thereof, may be carried by a driver in lieu of the original valid permit. It shall be the responsibility of the driver to obtain verification of the original issuance of a validated permit to which the facsimile refers if such verification is requested by any law enforcement officer or load limit inspector of the Ohio state highway patrol or any employee of the Ohio department of transportation. The permit, any facsimile or retransmission, shall be clearly legible, free of any markings, writing, symbol, logo, letterhead, characters or inscriptions that are not part of the permit as transmitted by the department. An additional tele-facsimile header is allowed. Verification shall be by the production of the valid permit itself or the written or oral confirmation of the special hauling permits section that the referenced permit is valid.

    (B) Duration of permits shall be as follows:

    (1) Construction equipment permit shall not exceed three hundred sixty-five calendar days;

    (2) Farm equipment permit shall not exceed three hundred sixty-five calendar days;

    (3) Manufactured building permit shall not exceed three hundred sixty-five calendar days;

    (4) Marina permit shall not exceed three hundred sixty-five calendar days;

    (5) Continuing permit shall not exceed ninety calendar days;

    (6) Continuing and return permit shall not exceed ninety calendar days;

    (7) Michigan legal weight permit shall not exceed ninety calendar days;

    (8) Steel or aluminum coil continuing permit shall not exceed ninety calendar days;

    (9) Single trip permit shall not exceed five calendar days;

    (10) Single trip and return permit shall not exceed five calendar days;

    (11) Steel or aluminum coil single trip permit shall not exceed five calendar days;

    (12) Emergency single trip permit shall not exceed one calendar day;

    (13) Emergency single trip and return permit shall not exceed three calendar days;

    (14) Boat permit shall not exceed three hundred sixty-five calendar days;

    In no case shall a permit be issued for a duration which extends beyond the expiration date of any insurance policy or endorsement provided as evidence of financial responsibility.

    (C) Extension of the duration of any previously-issued single or single trip and return permits may be granted in the case of movements which were unable to be started or completed due to factors beyond the control of the permittee. Requests for extensions shall be made in writing to the same office that originally entered the permit application. Such extensions shall not exceed one calendar day for a single trip permit and three calendar days for a single trip and return permit unless otherwise extended at the discretion of the director.

    (D) Revisions to previously-issued permits may be granted to correct errors or to adjust the permit conditions for circumstances beyond the scope of knowledge of the applicant or the department at the time of permit issuance. Prior to the start of the permitted movement, each request for a revision other than the correction of typographical errors shall be in writing to the same office that originally issued the permit. Following the start of the permitted movement, requests for revisions may be submitted orally where a change in the authorized route is necessitated by road closures, traffic accidents or similar unforeseen circumstances, or where a substitution of equivalent towing units is necessitated by mechanical breakdown or other similar circumstance which precludes its use for the completion of the movement. Revisions will not be granted to change the name of permittee, alter the description of the load, change the origin or destination of the movement, or alter a permit that has been violated.

Replaces: 5501:2-1-08

Effective: 10/4/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 10/04/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5501.02, 4513.34
Rule Amplifies: 4513.34
Prior Effective Dates: 09/01/1982, 05/15/1983, 9/8/03, 10/16/08, 6/11/09, 1/27/14