901:3-4-06. Retail food establishment inspection frequency  

Latest version.
  • A licensor shall inspect retail food establishments at least every fifteen months as follows:

    (A) Risk level I: at least one standard inspection each licensing period.

    (B) Risk level II: at least one standard inspection each licensing period.

    (C) Risk level III: at least two standard inspections each licensing period.

    (D) Risk level IV: at least two standard inspections and if applicable two process review inspections, and if applicable two variance reviews each licensing period. The licensor may conduct the process review inspections on the same visits as the standard inspections and when applicable verify the terms of any variance that may have been issued.

    (E) Temporary retail food establishments: at least one inspection during the period of operation.

    (F) New retail food establishments: if less than six months remain in a licensing period, the licensor may elect to eliminate one standard inspection, one process review inspection and one variance review for an establishment classified as risk level III or IV. For the purpose of this rule, new retail food establishment means a retail food establishment that, in accordance with rule 901:3-4-07 of the Administrative Code, the licensor requires a facility layout and equipment specifications review be submitted for approval.

    (G) Mobile retail food establishments: at least one standard inspection each licensing period.

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 07/01/2014 and 06/01/2019
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3717.04, 3717.33
Rule Amplifies: 3717.11, 3717.27
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/2001, 12/14/2001, 3/1/2002, 12/27/2004, 04/03/2009

Prior History: (Effective: 04/03/2009
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 01/08/2009 and 04/03/2014
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3717.33, 3717.04
Rule Amplifies: 3717.11, 3717.27
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/01, 12/14/01 (Emer.), 3/1/02, 12/27/04 )