901:5-2-01. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • As used in rules 901:5-2-01 to 901:5-2-11 of the Administrative Code:

    (A) "ASTM A 53" means the American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number A 53, November, 2005, containing standard specification for pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded and seamless, published by ASTM international, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.

    (B) "ASTM A 312" means the American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number A 312, May, 2006, containing standard specification for seamless, welded, and heavily cold worked austenitic stainless steel pipes.

    (C) "ASTM D 2241-05" means the American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number D 2241-05, August, 2005, containing standard specification for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pressure-rated pipe.

    (D) "ASTM D 3350-05" means the American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number D 3350-05, October, 2005, containing standard specification for polyethylene plastics pipe and fittings materials.

    (E) "ASTM F 442" means the American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number F 442, November, 2005, containing standard specification for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe.

    (F) "ASTM F 714-05" means American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number F 714-05, April, 2005, containing standard specification for polyethylene plastic pipe based on outside diameter.

    (G) "ASTM F 2164-02" means American society for testing and materials ("ASTM international") standard number F 2164-02, April, 2002, containing standard practice for field leak testing of polyethylene (PE) pressure piping systems using hydrostatic pressure.

    (H) "NIST" means the "National institute of standards and technology" 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070.

    (I) "API 650 standard" means the American petroleum institute standard number 650; tenth edition, November , 1998, containing standards for the design and construction of welded steel tanks for oil storage, published by the "American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L. Street, Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005-4070 .

    (J) "API 653 standard" means the American petroleum institute standard number 653; tenth edition, November, 1998, containing standards for the alteration or reconstruction of welded steel tanks for oil storage.

    (K) "Authorized inspector" means an employee of an authorized inspection agency who is certified by the American petroleum institute under appendix D - authorized inspector certification, of the API 653 standard.

    (L) "Authorized inspection agency" means:

    (1) An insurance company licensed in the state of Ohio to write property and liability insurance for owners of permanent storage vessels erected on site;

    (2) An independent organization that contracts for inspection services on permanent storage vessels erected on site; and

    (3) Any governmental entity having regulatory authority over permanent storage vessels erected on site.

    (4) An owner or operator of a permanent storage vessel erected on site that has on staff an authorized inspector who has autonomous authority within the organization in the performance of his duties as an authorized inspector.

    (M) "Appurtenances" means plumbing, pumps, valves, gauges, fittings, seals, hoses, metering devices, mixing containers, and portable manufacturing units which are connected to a permanent storage vessel, or which are used to transfer bulk liquid fertilizer into or out of a permanent storage vessel.

    (N) "Baseline inspection" means an internal and external inspection done in accordance with the API 653 standard establishing the condition of a permanent storage vessel erected on site and used to determine the vessel's suitability for the storage of liquid fertilizer.

    (O) "Dimension ratio" or "DR" means the dimension ratio is equal to the average outside diameter divided by minimum wall thickness.

    (P) "Director" means the director of the Ohio department of agriculture or an authorized representative .

    (Q) "Discharge" means the unintentional spilling or leaking, without regard to cause, of bulk liquid fertilizer outside a secondary containment facility; and the unintentional spilling or leaking, due to a mechanical or structural failure within a secondary containment facility.

    (R) "Generally accepted engineering standards and practices" means the usual and customary principles and methods employed by engineers for the analysis, design and construction of permanent storage vessels and piping systems. Such standards and practices shall include, where applicable, the standards of American petroleum institute, American water works association, plastic pipe institute, American society of mechanical engineers, American society for testing and materials international, and American national standards institute.

    (S) "Erected on site" means the construction or reconstruction of a permanent storage vessel at the site where it is in use.

    (T) "Liquid fertilizer" means any fluid containing plant nutrients used to improve the quality or quantity of plant growth but does not include anhydrous ammonia.

    (U) "Hydrostatic Testing" means testing for leaks by pressurizing the piping with water or fertilizer at a pressure higher than normal operating pressure.

    (V) "Permanent storage vessel" means a tank having a capacity of more than five thousand gallons or a combination of tanks at one location having an aggregate capacity of more than five thousand gallons, used or intended to be used for storage of liquid fertilizer for more than an aggregate of thirty days in any calendar year.

    (W) "Pit storage" means any structure used for the storage of bulk liquid fertilizer which uses an impermeable lining material and earthen walls, in the form of a pit, trench, dike, or other excavation, either alone or in conjunction with any other structure, to store bulk liquid fertilizer.

    (X) "Secondary containment facility" means a permanent dike enclosing the area around one or more permanent storage vessels, for the purpose of containing within its perimeter the contents of the permanent storage vessel in the event of a discharge and includes the surface area enclosed within the dike.

    (Y) "Standard dimension ratio" or "SDR" means the dimension ratio is equal to the average outside diameter divided by minimum wall thickness.

    (Z) "Storage facility" means any premises where one or more permanent storage vessels are located.

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 11/09/2011 and 11/09/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 905.44, 905.40
Rule Amplifies: 905.31
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/91, 11/12/01