901-15-02 Services performed by the consumer protection laboratory.  

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    901-15-02                    Services performed by the division of analytical services.



    The rates below are for services performed in compliance with rule 901-15-01 of the Administrative Code. Prices are for a single sample, single determination. Prices for combination of analyses can be adjusted depending upon volume as per paragraph (B) of this rule.


    (A)  Meat and Meat Products


    (1)   Moisture $8.50


    (2)   Fat (modified Babcock) $9.00


    (3)   Protein $12.00


    (4)   Total Aerobic Plate Count and Coliform Enumeration 25.00


    (5)   Sulfite (qualitative) $6.00


    (6)   Cereal (qualitative) $10.00


    (7)   Vegetable Protein (qualitative) $10.00


    (8)   Non-fat Dried Milk (qualitative) $10.00


    (9)   Sodium Nitrate $15.00


    (10)   Sodium Nitrite $10.00


    (11)   Phosphates $10.00


    (B)  Dairy Products


    (1)   Total Aerobic Plate Countand Coliform Enumeration 20.00


    (2)   Butterfat $15.00


    (3)   Added Water (Cryoscope) $4.00





    (4)   Phosphatase Test $10.80

    (5)   Inhibitory Substance $20.10

    (C)  Canned Goods

    (1)   Net and Drained Weight $7.50

    (2)   Extraneous Matter (Isolation) $55.00

    (D)  Dry Packaged Goods

    (1)   Net Weight $7.50

    (2)   Filth and Adulteration (Macro) $55.00

    (3)   Extraneous Matter (Isolation) $35.00

    (E)  Water Samples

    (1)   Aluminum $16.00

    (2)   Antimony $32.00

    (3)   Arsenic $32.00

    (4)   Barium $16.00

    (5)   Beryllium $32.00

    (6)   Cadmium $32.00

    (7)   Calcium $16.00

    (8)   Chromium (total) $32.00

    (9)   Copper $16.00

    (10)   Iron (total) $16.00

    (11) Lead $32.00

    (12)   Magnesium $16.00

    (13)   Manganese $16.00

    (14)   Mercury $40.00

    (15)   Nickel $32.00

    (16)   Potassium $16.00

    (17)   Selenium $32.00

    (18)   Silver $16.00

    (19)   Sodium $16.00

    (20)   Strontium $16.00

    (21)   Thallium $32.00

    (22) Zinc $16.00

    (23)   Alkalinity (total) $15.00

    (24)   Chloride $25.00

    (25)   Conductivity $15.00

    (26)   Cyanide $35.00

    (27)   Fluoride $18.00

    (28)   Hardness Total, CaC03 mg/l $32.00

    (29)   Nitrate-Nitrite $35.00

    (30)   Nitrite, N $35.00 (31) pH $15.00

    (32)   Phosphate (total) $35.00

    (33)   Sulfate $25.00

    (34)   Total Dissolved Solid $20.00

    (35)   Turbidity $15.00

    (36)   Pesticides - 5 Required $380.00

    (37)   Pesticides - Screen $380.00 (38) THM $180.00

    (39) VOC $180.00

    (40)   Total Coliform $20.00

    (41)   Environmental Lead - Dust wipes $25.00

    (42)   Environmental Lead - Paint, Soil $25.00

    (F)   Livestock and Pet Foods

    (1)   Protein $10.00

    (2)   Non-Protein Nitrogen $12.50

    (3)   Fat (Ether Extract) 12.00

    (4)   Moisture $8.50

    (5) Ash 10.00

    (6)   Microscopic Examination $37.00

    (7)   Vitamin A 30.00

    (8)   Antibiotics (Microbiological) $50.00

    (9)   Minerals

    (a)   Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium $17.00 each

    (b)   Salt 10.00

    (c)   Trace Elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn $17.00 each

    (G)  Fertilizers

    (1)   Nitrogen $15.00

    (2)   Available Phosphoric Acid $15.00

    (3)   Soluble Potash $15.00

    (4)   N-P-K (together) $45.00

    (5)   Minor Elements

    (a)   Calcium, Magnesium $17.00 each

    (b)   Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn $17.00 each

    (H)  Liming Materials

    (1)   Calcium, Magnesium $17.00 each

    (2)   Total Neutralizing Power $12.00

    (3)   Sieve Analysis (4 screen) $40.00

    (I)   Economic Poison Formulation Rates to be determined by type and mixture of active ingredients.

    (J)   Pesticide and Hazardous Chemical Residue

    (1)   Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Screen

    (a)   Milk, cheese, butter, silo scrapping $125.00

    (2)   Organic Phosphate Pesticide Screen

    (a)   Soil and plant material $800.00

    (b)   Water $400.00

    (c) Swab $200.00

    (3)   Herbicide Screen

    (a)   Soil and plant material $800.00

    (b)   Water $400.00

    (c) Swab $200.00

    Rates for quantitation and confirmation to be determined on an individual basis. Fifty per cent surcharge for less than five day turn around.


    R.C. 119.032 review dates:    11/12/2002





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    Prior Effective Dates: 4/22/02