5160-58-02 MyCare Ohio plans: eligibility and enrollment.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Original Text Box: DATE: 10/14/2016 12:35 PM








    DATE:                    November 14, 2016

    TIME:                    11:00 a.m.

    LOCATION:        Lazarus Building, 50 West Town Street, Room B538, Columbus, Ohio 43215



    Pursuant to Chapter 119. and section 5164.02 of the Revised Code, the director of the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) gives notice of the Department's intent to file as new the rules identified below and of a public hearing thereon.



    Rule 5160-58-02, entitled MyCare Ohio plans: eligibility and enrollment is being amended in compliance with five year rule review and to update Medicaid managed care policy.


    Changes to rule 5160-58-02 include:

             Removing individuals meeting the developmental disabilities level of care, who receive home and community-based waiver services through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), from the voluntary enrollment population. These individuals will continue to be excluded from MyCare Ohio.

             Updating C.F.R. and U.S.C. references and dates.

             General grammatical and organizational edits.



    A copy of each of the proposed rules is available at the address listed below and without charge, to any person affected by the rules and at the county department of job and family services. The proposed rules are also available on the internet at http://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/. A public hearing on the proposed rules will be held at the date, time and location listed at the top of this notice. Either written or oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Additionally, written comments submitted or postmarked no later than the date of the public hearing will be treated as testimony.


    Requests for a copy of the proposed rules or comments on the rules should be submitted by mail to the Ohio Department of Medicaid, Office of Legal Counsel, 50 West Town Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43218, by fax at (614) 995-1301, or by e-mail at rules@medicaid.ohio.gov. Comments received may be reviewed upon request.