5139:1-1-01 Governor's council on juvenile justice bylaws.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Final Text Box: DATE: 10/20/2006 8:27 AM




    5139:1-1-01                 Governor's council on juvenile justice bylaws.




    (A)Name, purpose, and vision.


    (1)Name - This board shall be known as the "governor's council on juvenile justice" (hereafter called "the council").


    (2)Purpose - The council shall serve as the state advisory group for the Title II formula grant per Section 223 of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (hereafter referred to as JJDP) Act of 2002, 42, U.S.C. 5633. The council shall serve as the state advisory group for the Title V incentive grants for local delinquency prevention programs per Section 504 of the JJDP Act of 2002, 42, U.S.C. 5783. The council shall serve as the advisory board for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant per Title I, Part R of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 3796ee et seq.


    (3)Vision - "To lead and advise within a diverse system of integrated, effective youth programs and services that support families and enable all young people to become responsible, productive citizens who create safe communities."




    (1)Appointment  -  The  chair  and  council  members  shall  be  appointed  by  the governor.


    (2)Members - The council shall consist of persons with training, experience, and knowledge of delinquency prevention and treatment of juvenile delinquency, the administration of juvenile justice, or the reduction of delinquency.


    (3)Terms - Members shall be appointed for a period of three years from the effective date of appointment.


    (4)Youth members - The council shall maintain a ratio of at least one-fifth youth members. Youth members are those appointed while under the age of 24.


    (5)Government  members  -  The  majority  of  members  shall  not  be  full-time government employees.


    (6)Appointment forfeiture - A member that fails to regularly attend meetings or that fails to actively participate in council business shall be subject to involuntary forfeiture of their membership. Participation and attendance standards shall be determined by the council.


    (C)Officers, powers, and duties.


    (1)Chair - The chair shall preside over all meetings of the council and perform other duties normally executed by a chair.



    (2) Vice chair - The chair shall appoint a member of the council as vice-chair to serve as chair in his/her absence, and to perform other duties designated by the chair.

    (3) Powers and duties - The council shall have the powers and duties as set forth in the JJDP Act. The duties and powers shall be as follows:

    (a) Participate in the development of Ohio's three year comprehensive plan for the title II formula grant, and review and approve the comprehensive plan prior to submission.

    (b) Review and approve local applications as part of the title II formula grant competitive application process.

    (c) Review and approve the federal application for the title V incentive grants for local delinquency prevention program prior to submission, and determine local eligibility for funding by certifying compliance with the core requirements of the JJDP Act.

    (d)Participate in the development of the state plan and approve the state plan prior to submission.

    (e) Advise the Ohio department of youth services on matters related to juvenile justice and the administration and implementation of the grant programs.

    (f)Submit annual recommendations to the governor and to the general assembly regarding Ohio's compliance with the core requirements of the JJDP Act.

    (g) Contact  and  seek  regular  input  from  juveniles  currently  under  the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system.

    (h) Review progress and accomplishments of projects funded under the three year comprehensive plan.

    (4) DYS' bureau of grants administration shall provide staff support to the chair and to the council.


    (1) Regular meetings - Regular meetings shall be held at least three times annually. The chair or designee shall schedule the meetings and set the agenda. When possible, the time and place of the meetings shall be determined by the council during the preceding meeting.

    (2) Special meetings - Special meetings may be called by the chair or by written request from a council member.

    (3) Public notice - In accordance with division (C) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code and all other applicable laws and guidelines, the council shall hold all deliberations of official business in meetings open to the public.

    (4) Agenda - The agenda shall be provided to council members prior to  the meeting. The agenda shall include the time and place of the meeting, topics to be discussed, and matters that require a vote.

    (5) Rules of order - The rules of order shall be determined by the chair.

    (6) Quorum - A quorum shall be represented by 51 percent or more of council members present and shall be required to conduct a vote. If a quorum is not present, the chair shall postpone voting until the required number of council members are in attendance.

    (7) Voting - A majority of council members voting on a motion must signify a "yes" vote in order for a motion to pass. The motions and results of voting shall be captured in the meeting minutes.

    (8) Minutes - In accordance with division (C) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, minutes of all regular and special meetings shall be promptly prepared and filed, and maintained and open to the public for inspection.

    (E)Committees and subcommittees.

    (1) Ad hoc committees - The chair may establish ad hoc committees as necessary to accomplish the goals of the council, and for those activities that fall within their powers and duties. Ad hoc committees shall present their recommendations to the council for approval, and may be dissolved upon the passage of the motion.

    (2) Subcommittees - The chair may establish subcommittees as necessary to accomplish the goals of the council, and for those activities that fall within their powers and duties. Subcommittees shall consist of council members and other juvenile justice professionals deemed appropriate.

    (3) Ex officio committee and subcommittee members - The chair and the vice-chair shall serve as ex officio members on all committees and subcommittees.

    (F) Compensation.

    (1) Compensation  -  Council  members  shall  serve  voluntarily  but  shall  be compensated for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge

    of their duties unless otherwise compensated for the expenses by their employer. When compensated, the same standards shall apply to council members as those standards applied to state employees.

    (2) Compensation for conference travel - Council members shall be compensated for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred while attending juvenile justice related conferences and trainings as part of the discharge of their duties unless otherwise compensated by their employer. The same standards shall apply to council members as those standards applied to state employees.

    (3) Funding source - Funding shall be set-aside annually from the title II formula grant program to provide compensation to council members and to support their activities.

    (G)Amendments to the bylaws.

    (1) These bylaws may be amended by majority vote provided the revised bylaws are distributed to council members prior to voting. DYS shall ensure that the amendments are consistent with the provision of the JJDP Act.

    Replaces:                                                     181:1-1-01

    Effective:                                                     10/30/2006

    R.C. 119.032 review dates:                         08/15/2011





    Promulgated Under:                           111.15

    Statutory Authority:                           107.18 (Executive Order 96-47V, Executive Order


    Rule Amplifies:                                  107.18 (Executive Order 96-47V, Executive Order 2001-10T)

    Prior Effective Dates:                         4/20/96, 6/15/96, 6/23/97, 11/10/01

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Ill. Adm. Code 5139:1-1-01. Governor's council on juvenile justice bylaws