173-45-05 Display of comparative information following the execution of a search query.  

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    173-45-05                    Display of comparative information following the execution of a search query.




    (A)   Following a search query for long-term care providers, the guide shall present a list of all providers that meet the criteria requirements specified in the search.


    (B)   For each provider listed, the guide shall present all comparative measures, electronic links to definitions and descriptions of the measures, and to further detailed information about the measure measures, to the extent it the information is available to ODA. For each provider, the guide shall include the following information:


    (1)     The aggregate responses made by a facility's residents/consumers or their family members to all measures of customer satisfaction;.


    (2)    In the case of nursing facilities, the facility's scores on the quality measures described in rule 173-45-07 of the Administrative Code or an electronic link to the CMS website where the guide's viewers may access the quality measures;.


    (3)   The date of the facility's most recent ODH survey, if applicable;.


    (4)    The survey data provided pursuant to rule 173-45-08 of the Administrative Code;.


    (5)    An electronic link for each provider on the list allowing the public to gain access to information on the provider maintained in accordance with rule 173-45-06 of the Administrative Code; and,.


    (6)   Other comparative measures derived from data specified in Chapter 173-45 of the Administrative Code.


















    173-45-05                                                                                                                              2

    Effective:                                                             12/01/2015

    Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:                         09/03/2015 and 12/01/2020





    Promulgated Under:                           119.03

    Statutory Authority:                           173.01, 173.02, 173.49; 42 USC 1396a(a)(9)(D)

    Rule Amplifies:                                  173.46; 42 USC 1396a(a)(9)(D)

    Prior Effective Dates:                         173-45-06: 01/21/2001, 09/21/2005. 173-45-05:

    09/07/2006, 08/30/2010

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 173-45-05. Display of comparative information following the execution of a search query