111-4-08 Solicitation of contributions for a particular candidate prohibited; administrative expenses which may and may not be paid by a connected corporation.

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    p EC_ 18 2001


    "Solici??n of contributions for a narticular candidate nm?.



    min??ative exnens?which m.av and mav not be oaid bv a co???d


    {A)         A carparati "? NONPROFIT CORPORATION, OR LABOR

    ORGANIZA?ON may not solicit contn"b? ???Ohio PAC or FSL PAC for a particular Ohio ??  r local candidate or a ?litical ?ty.  f?wev?,?4?'???8   fBaf                                ie ff5 AN Ohio PAC or FSL PAC MAY PERMIT THED? CONTRIBUTORS to volun?ily earmark ?eir contributions for-a ANY PAR?:CULAR candidate? POL?ICAL ACTION COMMITIEE, POLITICAL CONTRIBUTING

    EN?TY, LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN FUND or political r my of ??choice.

    (B) Except ?provided in p?agraph      ill). of this rule, expenses associated wi? activities of an Ohio ee?em?PAC or FSL se?@?? PAC, which ?d Ohio ?te or local candidates, ANY LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN FUND, or a: ANY political party, are not administrative expenses under section 3517.082 of the Revised Code, and a&-:G8? A co?oration rNCLUDING A NONPROFIT CORPORATION may not use its money or

    prope? for such acti?? Such activities include, but are not limited to.., the foll?tg:

    ( l ) Nonmonetary (? kind) contributions to Ohio state or local candi???


    (2)    Ind?endent expenditures to influence ?te or local candidate elections OTHER THAN BALLOT ISSUE ELECTIONS;

    (3)    Receptions or other social events for state or local candidates? POLITICAL PARTIES, AND LEGISLA?VE CA?IPAIGN FUNDS; and

    (4)   Communications to stoc?olders, members, employe,directors, officers, or ??tees of the corporation regarding sta!? or local candidates. This provision does not include a regular communication ? ?e PAC'S contributors, reporting how PAC funds were spent, including the names of canclida?and officeholders to whom contributions were made and the voting record of such o?.ceholders.

    lQ An Ohio co?ora? PAC or FSL co?or? PAC may conduct ?? THE

    activi?es SPECIFIED IN PARAGRAPHS (ID(l), (2), (?,AND (4) OF THIS RULE if?

    TIIE  pays all associated expenses from its POL?ICAL ACTION COMM?TEE OR ?parate s??ga?d ?nd ESTABLISHED UNDER SECTION 3517.082 OF THE REVISED CpDE.

    ?? (illA? A corporatio NONPROFIT CORPORATION, OR LABOR ORGANIZATION may use its money and property ?r ?e follow?g activiti?of its

    rt     '


    111-4-08                                                                                                                              2

    Ohio PAC or FSL PAC in connection wi? Ohio ?? r local elections, but only ? such activities are designed so as not to aid any particular candida?  r political party:

    (l ) Voter regi??on an get-out-the-vote ac?vities;

    (2)  Candidate deb?s and. a?.er ?ncti.ons at which candida?s are permitted to ad?ss or meet voters, but only if?ch candida? for the same o?.ce is  ?:red ?e same

    opportunity to appear and sp?k at such a?ction. No effort may be made at such

    functions to express support for a c???? r to solicit coDJ?ibt? OS for a ?ndidate;

    (3)   Printed material intended to educate voters ? to ?e qualifications, records and positions of candid.ates consi?ng of questions directed to all candidates for ?e same

    ??ce and ?eir verbatim responses to such questions, provided that the nwnber of words per response may be limited at the time ?.e questions ?e sent÷??

    A  uRAm'l=ium<1 tA ?fl:isehelAAF? SA?? iRE ' ?th                  aeelie?hie laws.

    Effective:    JAN 0 1 ?E

    R.C.  t 19'032 Review Dates:

    J? 2 9 1D1     JUL 0 1 2?




    ?c !18 2a?


    Promulgated under: Rule authorized by: Rule amplifies:

    Prior e?ctive date:

    R. C. l l9.03 R.C. 3517.23 R.C. 3517.082
