4906-4-06 Economic impact and public interaction.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Final Text Box: DATE: 11/30/2015 9:52 AM




    4906-4-06                    Economic impact and public interaction.




    (A)The applicant shall state the current and proposed ownership status of the proposed facility, including leased and purchased land, rights-of-way, structures, and equipment.


    (B)The applicant shall provide information regarding capital and intangible costs.


    (1)The applicant shall provide estimates of applicable capital and intangible costs for the various alternatives. The data submitted shall be classified according to federal energy regulatory commission uniform system of accounts prescribed by the public utilities commission of Ohio for utility companies, unless the applicant is not an electric light company, a gas company or a natural gas company as defined in Chapter 4905. of the Revised Code (in which case, the applicant shall file the capital and intangible costs classified in the accounting format ordinarily used by the applicant in its normal course of business).


    (2)The applicant shall provide a comparison of the total costs per kilowatt with the applicant's similar facilities, and explain any substantial differences.


    (3)The applicant shall provide a tabulation of the present worth and annualized cost for capital costs and any additional cost details as required to compare capital cost of alternates (using the start of construction date as reference date), and describe techniques and all factors used in calculating present worth and annualized costs.


    (C)The  applicant  shall  provide  information  regarding  operation  and  maintenance expenses.


    (1)The applicant shall provide applicable estimated annual operation and maintenance expenses for the first two years of commercial operation. The data submitted shall be classified according to federal energy regulatory commission uniform system of accounts prescribed by the public utilities commission of Ohio for utility companies, unless the applicant is not an electric light company, a gas company or a natural gas company as defined in Chapter 4905. of the Revised Code (in which case, the applicant shall file the operation and maintenance expenses classified in the accounting format ordinarily used by the applicant in its normal course of business).


    (2)The applicant shall provide a comparison of the total operation and maintenance cost per kilowatt with applicant's similar facilities and explain any substantial differences.


    (3)The applicant shall provide a tabulation of the present worth and annualized expenditures for operating and maintenance costs as well as any additional cost breakdowns as required to compare alternatives, and describe techniques and factors used in calculating present worth and annualized costs.



    (D) The applicant shall submit an estimate of the cost for a delay prorated to a monthly basis beyond the projected in-service date.

    (E)The applicant shall provide information regarding the economic impact of the project.

    (1) The applicant shall provide an estimate of the annual total and present worth of construction and operation payroll.

    (2) The  applicant  shall  provide  an  estimate  of  the  construction  and  operation employment and estimate the number that will be employed from the region.

    (3) The applicant shall provide an estimate of the increase in county, township, and municipal tax revenue accruing from the facility.

    (4) The applicant shall provide an estimate of the economic impact of the proposed facility on local commercial and industrial activities.

    (F) The applicant shall provide information regarding public responsibility.

    (1) The applicant shall describe the applicant's program for public  interaction during the siting, construction, and operation of the proposed facility. This description shall include detailed information regarding the applicant's public information and complaint resolution programs as well as how the applicant will notify affected property owners and tenants about these programs at least seven days prior to the start of construction.

    (2) The applicant shall describe any insurance or other corporate programs for providing liability compensation for damages to the public resulting from construction, operation, or decommissioning of the proposed facility.

    (3) The applicant shall evaluate and describe the anticipated impact to roads and bridges associated with construction vehicles and equipment delivery. Describe measures that will be taken to improve inadequate roads and repair roads and bridges to at least the condition present prior to the project.

    (4) The applicant shall list all transportation permits required for construction and operation of the project, and describe any necessary coordination with appropriate authorities for temporary or permanent road closures, lane closures, road access restrictions, and traffic control necessary for construction and operation of the proposed facility.

    (5) The applicant shall describe the plan for decommissioning the proposed facility, including a discussion of any financial arrangements designed to assure the requisite financial resources.

    Replaces:                                                              4906-13-05, part of 4906-13-07, 4906-17-06

    Effective:                                                             12/11/2015

    Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:                         11/30/2020





    Promulgated Under:                           111.15

    Statutory Authority:                           4906.03, 4906.20

    Rule Amplifies:                                  4906.03, 4906.04, 4906.06, 4906.10, 4906.13, 4906.20

    Prior Effective Dates:                         11/4/88, 8/28/98, 12/15/03, 1/25/09, 5/7/09

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Ill. Adm. Code 4906-4-06. Economic impact and public interaction