4906-15-06 Socioeconomic and land use impact analysis.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Final Text Box: DATE: 12/05/2003 2:42 PM




    4906-15-06                  Socioeconomic and land use impact analysis.




    (A)  The applicant shall conduct a literature search and map review for the area within one thousand feet on each side of each proposed transmission line centerline and within one thousand feet of the perimeter of each substation or compressor station designed to identify specific land use areas as required in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule. On-site investigations shall be conducted within one hundred feet of each side of each proposed transmission line centerline and within one hundred feet of the perimeter of each substation or compressor station to characterize the potential effects of construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed facility.


    (B)   The applicant shall provide, for each of the site/route alternatives and adjacent areas, map(s) of not less than 1:24,000 scale, including the area one thousand feet on each side of a transmission alignment, and the area within the immediate vicinity of a substation site, which map(s) shall include the following features:


    (1)     The  proposed  Proposed  transmission  line  alignments,  including  proposed turning points;.


    (2)   The proposed Proposed substation or compressor station locations;.


    (3)   General land use within the area, including, but not limited to:


    (a)   Residential; use.


    (b)   Commercial; use.


    (c)   Industrial; use.


    (d)     Cultural;  use  (as  identified  in  paragraph  (F)  rule  4906-15-06  of  the Administrative Code); of this rule).


    (e)   Agricultural; use.


    (f)  Recreational; use.


    (g)   Institutional use (e.g., schools, hospitals, churches, government facilities, etc.).


    (4)   Transportation corridors;.


    (5)   Existing utility corridors;.



    (6)   Noise-sensitive areas; and.

    (7)    Agricultural district land (including agricultural district land) existing at least sixty days prior to submission of the application located within the each transmission line right-of-way or within the each site boundary.

    (C) The applicant shall provide for each of the site/route alternatives, a description of the impact of the proposed facility on each land use identified in paragraph (B)(3) of this rule. As it relates to agricultural land, the evaluation shall include impacts to cultivated land, permanent pasture land, managed wood lots, orchards, nurseries, and agricultural-related structures.

    (1) Construction: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the proposed facility on each land use (including: (a) buildings that will be destroyed, acquired, or removed as the result of the planned facility and criteria for owner compensation; and (b) field operations [such as plowing, planting, cultivating, spraying, and harvesting], irrigation, and field drainage systems).

    (2) Operation and maintenance: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility on each land use.

    (3) Mitigation procedures: The applicant shall describe the mitigation procedures to be used during the construction of the proposed facility and during the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility to minimize impact to land use, such as effects on subsurface field drainage systems.

    (C)(D) The applicant shall provide the following public interaction information for each of the site/route alternatives:

    (1)    A list of counties, townships, villages, and cities within one thousand feet on each side of the centerline or facility perimeter.

    (2)    A list of the public officials contacted regarding the application, their office addresses, and office telephone numbers.

    (3)    A description of the program or company/public interaction planned for the siting, construction, and operation of the proposed facility, i.e. public information programs.

    (4)   A description of any insurance or other corporate program, if any, for providing liability compensation for damages, if such should occur, to the public resulting from construction or operation of the proposed facility.

    (5)   A description of how the facility will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

    (6)   An estimate of the increase in tax revenues as a result of facility placement.

    (7)   A description of the impact of the facility on regional development, referring to pertinent formally adopted regional development plans.

    (D)(E) The applicant shall provide the following health, safety, and aesthetic information for each site/route alternative:

    (1)   The applicant shall provide a description of how the facility will be constructed, operated, and maintained to comply with the requirements of applicable state and federal statutes and regulations, including the 2002 edition of the "National Electrical Safety Code", applicable OSHA occupational safety and health administration regulations, U.S. D.O.T. department of transportation "Gas Pipeline Safety Standards" gas pipeline safety standards, and rule 4901:1-1-13 Chapter 4901:1-16 of the Administrative Code, and all other applicable statutes and regulations.

    (2)      For electric power transmission facilities, the applicant shall discuss the production of electric and magnetic fields during operation of the preferred and alternate route site/route. If more than one conductor configuration is to be used on the proposed facility, information shall be provided for those configurations if they constitute each configuration that constitutes more than ten per cent of the total line length, or more than one mile of the total line length being certificated. Where an alternate structure design is submitted, information shall also be provided on the alternate structure. The discussion shall include:

    (a)   Calculated electric and magnetic field strength levels at one meter above ground, under the conductors and at the edge of the right-of-way for:

    (i)   Winter normal conductor rating;.

    (ii)   Emergency line loading; and.

    (iii)   Normal maximum loading;.

    Provide corresponding current flows, conductor ground clearance for normal maximum loading and distance from the centerline to

    the edge of the right-of-way. Estimates shall be made for minimum conductor height. The applicant shall also provide typical cross-section profiles of the calculated electric and magnetic fields at the normal maximum loading conditions.

    Provide corresponding current flows, conductor ground clearance for normal maximum loading and distance from the centerline to the edge of the right-of-way. Estimates shall be made for minimum conductor height. The applicant shall also provide typical cross-section profiles of the calculated electric and magnetic field strength levels at the normal maximum loading conditions.

    (b)    References to the current state of knowledge concerning possible health effects of exposure to electric and magnetic field strengths strength levels.

    (c)      Detail Description of the company's consideration of electric and magnetic fields; field strength levels, both as a general company policy and specifically in the design and siting of the transmission line project including: alternate conductor configurations and phasing, tower height, corridor location and right-of-way width.

    (d)   Discuss Description of the company's current procedures for addressing public inquiries regarding electric and magnetic fields. Specifically include field strength levels, including copies of informational materials and company procedures for customer electric and magnetic field strength level readings.

    (3)   DiscussThe applicant shall discuss the aesthetic impact of the proposed facility with reference to plans and sketches, including the following:

    (a)   The views of the proposed facility from such sensitive vantage points as residential areas, lookout points, scenic highways, and waterways;.

    (b)   Structure design features, as appropriate;.

    (c)   How the proposed facility will likely affect the aesthetic quality of the site and surrounding area; and.

    (d)  Measures that will be taken to minimize any visual impacts created by the proposed facility.

    (4)   For electric power transmission facilities, the applicant shall provide an estimate of the level of radio and television interference from operation of the proposed facility, identify the most severely impacted areas, if any, and discuss methods of mitigation.

    (E) The applicant shall provide for each of the site/route alternatives, a description of the impact of the proposed facility on each land use identified in paragraph (B)(3) of rule 4906-15-06 of the Administrative Code.

    (1) Construction: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the proposed facility on each land use (including buildings that will be destroyed, acquired, or removed as the result of the planned facility and criteria for owner compensation).

    (2) Operation and maintenance: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility on each land use.

    (3) Mitigation procedures: The applicant shall describe the mitigation procedures to be used during the construction of the facility and during the operation and maintenance of the facility to minimize impact to land use, such as effects on subsurface field drainage systems.

    (F)   The applicant shall provide, for each of the site/route alternatives, a description of the impact of the proposed facility on cultural resources. This description shall include potential and identified recreational areas and those districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects which are recognized by, registered with, or identified as eligible for registration by the Ohio historical society or the Ohio department of natural resources. It shall include but not be limited to the following:

    (1)      Describe Location studies: The applicant shall describe studies used to determine the location of cultural resources within the study corridor. Correspondence with the Ohio historical preservation office shall be included.

    (2)      Construction: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the construction of the proposed facility on cultural resources.

    (3)   Operation and maintenance: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility on cultural resources.

    (4)   Mitigation procedures: The applicant shall describe the mitigation procedures to be used during the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility to minimize impact to cultural resources.

    (G) The applicant shall provide for each of the site/route alternatives, a description of the impact of the proposed facility on agricultural districts. This evaluation shall include impacts to cultivated land, permanent pasture land, managed wood lots, orchards, nurseries, and agricultural related structures, including but not limited to the following:

    (1) Construction: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the construction of the proposed facility on agricultural districts including field operations (i.e., plowing, planting, cultivation, spraying, harvesting, etc.), irrigation, and field drainage systems.

    (2) Operation and maintenance: The applicant shall estimate the probable impact of the operation and maintenance of the proposed facility on the agricultural districts.

    (3) Mitigation procedures: The applicant shall describe the mitigation procedures to be used during the construction of the facility and during the operation and maintenance of the facility to minimize impact to agricultural districts.

    (H)(G) The applicant shall submit data and related information on noise emissions generated by the proposed transmission line and associated facilities. Construction noise information shall be submitted for only those portions of transmission line routes requiring more than four months of actual construction time to complete in residential, commercial, and other noise-sensitive areas.

    (1)    Construction: To assure noise control during construction, the applicant shall estimate the nature of any intermittent, recurring, or particularly annoying sounds from the following sources:

    (a)   Dynamiting or blasting activities;.

    (b)   Operation of earth moving and excavating equipment;.

    (c)   Driving of piles;.

    (d)  Erection of structures;.

    (e)   Truck traffic, and.

    (f)  Installation of equipment.

    (2)    Operation and maintenance: The applicant shall estimate the effect of noise

    generation due to the operation or maintenance of the transmission line and associated facilities.

    (3)      Mitigation procedures: The applicant shall describe any equipment and procedures designed to mitigate noise emissions during both the site clearing and construction phase, and during the operation and maintenance of the facility to minimize noise impact.

    (I)(H) The applicant shall provide site specific site-specific information that may be required in a particular case to adequately describe other significant issues of concern that were not addressed above. The applicant shall describe measures that were taken and/or will be taken to avoid or minimize adverse impact. The applicant shall describe public safety-related equipment and procedures that were and/or will be taken.

    Effective:                                12/15/2003

    R.C. 119.032 review dates:    09/30/2003 and 09/30/2008





    Promulgated Under:   111.15

    Statutory Authority:   4906.03

    Rule Amplifies:           4906.06, 4906.03

    Prior Effective Dates: 10/10/78, 6/5/93, 8/28/98

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Ill. Adm. Code 4906-15-06. Socioeconomic and land use impact analysis