5101:12-50-10 Income withholding or income deduction.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: To Be Refiled Text Box: DATE: 12/05/2012 3:20 PM




    Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis (Part A)


    Department of Job and Family Services

    Agency Name


    Child Support                                                      Ben Anderson

    Division                                                                  Contact


    30 East Broad St 31st Floor ODJFS Office of Legal Services Columbus OH 43215-3414

    614-466-4605        614-752-8298

    Agency Mailing Address (Plus Zip)                                       Phone                     Fax




    Rule Number


    TYPE of rule filing

    Rule Title/Tag Line              Income withholding or income deduction.


    1.  Is the rule being filed consistent with the requirements of the RC 119.032 review? Yes

    2.  Are you proposing this rule as a result of recent legislation? No

    3.  Statute prescribing the procedure in accordance with the agency is required to adopt the rule: 119.03

    4.  Statute(s) authorizing agency to adopt the rule: 3125.25

    5.  Statute(s) the rule, as filed, amplifies or implements: 3121.01, 3121.0310

    6.  State the reason(s) for proposing (i.e., why are you filing,) this rule:

    Five year review. Additionally, to incorporate federal statutory changes under 42

    U.S.C. 666 relating to the administration of the child support program.

    7.  If the rule is an AMENDMENT, then summarize the changes and the content of the proposed rule; If the rule type is RESCISSION, NEW or NO CHANGE, then summarize the content of the rule:

    Page 2                                                                                  Rule Number: 5101:12-50-10

    This rule describes in part the requirements for a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) to implement income withholding or income deduction.

    Changes to the rule include updating the revision date and title of the JFS 04047, "Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child and Spousal Support" (rev. 5/2012), and to implement use of the JFS 04017, "Notice to Deduct Funds for Child and Spousal Support" (5/2012) for financial institutions.

    8.  If the rule incorporates a text or other material by reference and the agency claims the incorporation by reference is exempt from compliance with sections

    121.71 to 121.74 of the Revised Code because the text or other material is generally available to persons who reasonably can be expected to be affected by the rule, provide an explanation of how the text or other material is generally available to those persons:

    This rule incorporates one or more references to the Ohio Revised Code (ORC). This question is not applicable to any incorporation by reference to the ORC because such reference is exempt from compliance with ORC 121.71 to 121.74 pursuant to ORC 121.76(A)(1).

    This rule incorporates one or more references to another rule or rules of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC). This question is not applicable to any incorporation by reference to another OAC rule because such reference is exempt from compliance with ORC 121.71 to 121.74 pursuant to ORC 121.76(A)(3).

    9.  If the rule incorporates a text or other material by reference, and it was infeasible for the agency to file the text or other material electronically, provide an explanation of why filing the text or other material electronically was infeasible:

    Not applicable. The forms incorporated by reference in this rule have been attached electronically.

    10.  If the rule is being rescinded and incorporates a text or other material by reference, and it was infeasible for the agency to file the text or other material, provide an explanation of why filing the text or other material was infeasible:

    Not Applicable.

    11.  If revising or refiling this rule, identify changes made from the previously filed version of this rule; if none, please state so. If applicable, indicate each specific paragraph of the rule that has been modified:

    Page 3                                                                                  Rule Number: 5101:12-50-10

    The JFS 04047 and JFS 04017 forms associated with the rule change were not available for public viewing. They have now been attached to this document for public viewing and comment.

    12. 119.032 Rule Review Date: 11/1/2012

    (If the rule is not exempt and you answered NO to question No. 1, provide the scheduled review date. If you answered YES to No. 1, the review date for this rule is the filing date.)

    NOTE: If the rule is not exempt at the time of final filing, two dates are required: the current review date plus a date not to exceed 5 years from the effective date for Amended rules or a date not to exceed 5 years from the review date for No Change rules.


    13.  Estimate the total amount by which this proposed rule would increase / decrease either revenues / expenditures for the agency during the current biennium (in dollars): Explain the net impact of the proposed changes to the budget of your agency/department.

    This will have no impact on revenues or expenditures. 0.00

    No impact on current budget.

    14.  Identify the appropriation (by line item etc.) that authorizes each expenditure necessitated by the proposed rule:

    Not applicable.

    15.  Provide a summary of the estimated cost of compliance with the rule to all directly affected persons. When appropriate, please include the source for your information/estimated costs, e.g. industry, CFR, internal/agency:

    No new costs.

    16.  Does this rule have a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations? No

    17.  Does this rule deal with environmental protection or contain a component

    Page 4                                                                                  Rule Number: 5101:12-50-10

    dealing with environmental protection as defined in R. C. 121.39? No

    S.B. 2 (129th General Assembly) Questions

    18.  Has this rule been filed with the Common Sense Initiative Office pursuant to

    R.C. 121.82? Yes

    19.  Specific to this rule, answer the following:

    A.) Does this rule require a license, permit, or any other prior authorization to engage in or operate a line of business? No

    B.) Does this rule impose a criminal penalty, a civil penalty, or another sanction, or create a cause of action, for failure to comply with its terms? Yes

    A payor or financial institution that fails to comply with any requirement of a JFS 04047, "Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child and Spousal Support" (rev.5/2012), or JFS 04017, "Notice to Deduct Funds for Child and Spousal Support" (5/2012) may be subject to the child support enforcement agency (CSEA) bringing action under section 3121.371 of the Revised Code requesting the court to order the payor or financial institution to comply with the JFS 04047 or JFS 04017. If the payor or financial institution fails to comply with the court's order, such failure is contempt of court.

    C.) Does this rule require specific expenditures or the report of information as a condition of compliance? No

    Text Box: ACTION: To Be Refiled                                                                                                                                              Text Box: DATE: 12/05/2012 3:20 PM


    <County_Name> County CSEA, Issuing Agency



    Telephone Number:



    Toll Free Number:


    <CSEA_City>, <CSEA_State> <CSEA_ZIP>

    Fax Number:



    <TPN_Address_1> <TPN_Suite>


    <TPN_City>, <TPN_State> <TPN_ZIP>


    JFS 04047 (Rev. 5/2012)                                              [OMB 0970-0154 (Expiration 05/31/2014)]                     Page 1 of 5




    [ <AMD> ]  AMENDED IWO



    [     ] LUMP SUM PAYMENT



    [     ] TERMINATION of IWO



    [ X ] Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Agency    [   ] Court    [  ]  Attorney    [   ] Private Individual/Entity (Check One)

    NOTE: This IWO must be regular on its face. Under certain circumstances you must reject this IWO and return it to the sender (see IWO instructions http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/employer/publication/publication.htm - forms). If you receive this document from someone other than a State or Tribal CSE agency or a Court, a copy of the underlying order must be attached.

    State/Tribe/Territory            Ohio                                              Remittance Identifier (include w/payment)    <Case_No>                                                                                                         City/County/Dist./Tribe       <County_Name>                                                                       Order Identifier:                                                  <Order_No>                                                                                                         Private Individual/Entity                                  CSE Agency Case Identifier                                                                                      <Case_No>                                                       

    ORDER INFORMATION: This document is based on the support or withholding order from Ohio. You are required by law to deduct these amounts from the employee/obligor's income until further notice.  See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

      $ <Current_Child_Support>          Per MONTH current child support

      $ <Past-Due_Child_Support>       Per MONTH past-due child support - Arrears greater than 12 weeks? [<GT12>] Yes [<LT12>] No

      $ <Current_Medical_Support>      Per MONTH current cash medical support

      $ <Past-Due_Medical_Support>     Per MONTH past-due cash medical support

      $ <UNEM_IW_Amount>                 Per MONTH sub-total (for withholding from unemployment benefits ORC §3121.07)

      $ <Current_Spousal_Support>     Per MONTH current spousal support

      $ <Past-Due_Spousal_Support>    Per MONTH past-due spousal support

    $ <Other_Obligation(s)>                   Per MONTH other (must specify) <Other_Obligation(s)_Description> for a Total Amount to Withhold of $ <Total_Monthly_Obligation> per MONTH.

    AMOUNTS TO WITHHOLD: You do not have to vary your pay cycle to be in compliance with the Order Information. If your pay cycle does not match the ordered payment cycle, withhold one of the following amounts:

    $ <IW_Weekly_Amount> per weekly pay period                                      $ <IW_SM_Amount> per semimonthly pay period (twice a month)

    $ <IW_BW_Amount> per biweekly pay period (every two weeks)         $ <Total_Monthly_Obligation>  per monthly pay period

    $                        Lump Sum Payment: Do not stop any existing IWO unless you receive a termination order.

    REMITTANCE INFORMATION: If the employee/obligor's principal place of employment is Ohio, you must begin withholding no later than the first pay period that occurs 14 days after the date of <Print_Date>. Send payment within 7 working days of the pay date. If you cannot withhold the full amount of support for any or all orders for this employee/obligor, withhold up to 50% of disposable income for all orders. See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law. If the employee/obligor's principal place of employment is not Ohio, obtain withholding limitations, time requirements, and any allowable employer fees at  http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/employer/contacts/contact_map.htm for the employee/obligor's principal place of employment.

    For electronic payment requirements and centralized payment collection and disbursement facility information (State Disbursement Unit [SDU]), see http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/employer/contacts/contact_map.htm.

    JFS 04047 (Rev. 5/2012)                                              [OMB 0970-0154 (Expiration 05/31/2014)]                     Page 2 of 5

    Include the Remittance Identifier with the payment and if necessary this FIPS code: <CSEA_FIPS_Code>.

    Remit payment to SDU: Ohio Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) at .P.O. Box 182394, Columbus, Ohio 43218-2394. If you are an employer that employs more than 50 employees, please see the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

    Return to Sender [Completed by Employer/Income Withholder]. Payment must be directed to an SDU in accordance with 42 USC §666(b)(5) and (b)(6) or Tribal Payee (see Payments to SDU below). If payment is not directed to an SDU/Tribal Payee or this IWO is not regular on its face, you must check this box and return the IWO to the sender.

    Text Box: Signature    of    Judge/Issuing    Official    (if    required    by    State    or    Tribal    law):          Not    required    by    Ohio    law 	 Print Name                          of                          Judge/Issuing                          Official:                              <Primary_Worker_Name> 	 Title of                           Judge/Issuing                            Official:                                Authorized                            Representative 	 Date of Signature:        <Print_Date>

    If the employee/obligor works in a State or for a Tribe that is different from the State or Tribe that issued this order, a copy of this IWO must be provided to the employee/obligor.

    If checked, you are required to provide a copy of this form to the employee/obligor.


    State-specific contact and withholding information can be found on the Federal Employer Services website located at:  http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newhire/employer/contacts/contact_map.htm

    Priority:   Withholding for support has priority over any other legal process under State law against the same income (USC 42

    §666(b)(7)).  If a Federal tax levy is in effect, please notify the sender.  See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

    Combining Payments: When remitting payments to an SDU or Tribal CSE agency, you may combine withheld amounts from more than one employee/obligor's income in a single payment. You must, however, separately identify each employee/obligor's portion of the payment. See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

    Payments To SDU: Employer/income withholder must send child support payments payable by income withholding to the appropriate SDU. If this IWO instructs the employer/income withholder to send a payment to an entity other than an SDU (e.g., payable to the custodial party, court, or attorney), the employer/income withholder must check the box above and return this notice to the sender. Exception: If this IWO was sent by a Court, Attorney or Private Individual/Entity and the initial order was entered before January 1, 1994 or the order was issued by a Tribal CSE agency, the employer/income withholder must follow the payment instructions on this form.

    Reporting the Pay Date: You must report the pay date when sending the payment. The pay date is the date on which the amount was withheld from the employee/obligor's wages. You must comply with the law of the State (or Tribal law if applicable) of the employee/obligor's principal place of employment regarding time periods within which you must implement the withholding and forward the support payments.

    Multiple IWOs: If there is more than one IWO against this employee/obligor and you are unable to fully honor all IWOs due to Federal, State, or Tribal withholding limits, you must honor all IWOs to the greatest extent possible, giving priority to current support before payment of any past-due support. Follow the State or Tribal law/procedure of the employee/obligor's principal place of employment to determine the appropriate allocation method.  See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

    Lump Sum Payments: You may be required to notify a State or Tribal CSE agency of upcoming lump sum payments to this employee/obligor such as bonuses, commissions, or severance pay. Contact the sender to determine if you are required to report and/or withhold. See the Additional Information section for specific provisions of Ohio law.

    Liability: If you have any doubts about the validity of this IWO, contact the sender. If you fail to withhold income from the employee/obligor's income as the IWO directs, you are liable for both the accumulated amount you should have withheld and any penalties set by State or Tribal law/procedure.

    Anti-discrimination: You are subject to a fine determined under State or Tribal law for discharging an employee/obligor from employment, refusing to employ, or taking disciplinary action against an employee/obligor because of this IWO.

    Withholding Limits: You may not withhold more than the lesser of: 1) the amounts allowed by the Federal Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) (15 U.S.C. 1673(b)); or 2) the amounts allowed by the State or Tribe of the employee/obligor's principal place of employment (see REMITTANCE INFORMATION). Disposable income is the net income left after making mandatory deductions such as: State, Federal, local taxes; Social Security taxes; statutory pension contributions and Medicare taxes. The Federal limit is 50% of the disposable income if the obligor is supporting another family and 60% of the disposable income if the obligor is not supporting another family. However, those limits increase 5% - to 55% and 65% - if the arrears are greater than 12 weeks. If permitted by the State, you may deduct a fee for administrative costs. The combined support amount and fee may not exceed the limit indicated in this section. For Tribal IWOs, you may not withhold more than the amounts allowed under the law of the issuing Tribe. For Tribal employers/income withholders who receive a State IWO, you may not withhold more than the lesser of the limit set by the law of the jurisdiction in which the employer/income withholder is located or the maximum amount permitted under section 303(d) of the CCPA (15 U.S.C. 1673 (b)).  Depending upon applicable State law, you may need to also consider the amounts paid for health care premiums in determining disposable income and applying appropriate withholding limits.

    Arrears greater than 12 weeks? If the Order Information does not indicate that the arrears are greater than 12 weeks, then the Employer should calculate the CCPA limit using the lower percentage.

    OMB Expiration Date - 05/31/2014. The OMB Expiration Date has no bearing on the termination date of the IWO; it identifies the version of the form currently in use.

    JFS 04047 (Rev. 5/2012)                                              [OMB 0970-0154 (Expiration 05/31/2014)]                     Page 3 of 5

    Additional Information:

    ORDER INFORMATION: In accordance with Ohio Revised Code (ORC) section 3121.03, you are required to: Implement the withholding no later than the first pay period that occurs after 14 business days following the date the notice was mailed, and are required to continue the withholding at the intervals specified in the notice until further notice from the court  or  child  support enforcement agency (CSEA); and send the amount withheld immediately but not later than 7 business days after the date the obligor is paid.  Withholding under this order is binding until further notice from the court or CSEA.

    PRIORITY: In accordance with ORC section 3121.034, except for deductions from lump sum payments made in accordance with section 3121.0311 of the Revised Code, withholding in accordance with this notice has priority over any other legal process under the law of this state against the same income.

    WITHHOLDING LIMITS: In accordance with section 3121.037, you may not withhold an amount for support and other purposes, including the fee described below, that exceeds the maximum amounts permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 1673(b).

    EMPLOYEE/OBLIGOR WITH MULTIPLE SUPPORT WITHHOLDINGS: In accordance with ORC section 3121.034, when two or more withholding notices are received by a payor, the payor shall comply with all of the requirements contained in the notices to the extent that the total amount withheld from the obligor's income does not exceed the maximum amount permitted under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 1673(b), withhold amounts in accordance with the allocation set forth below, notify each court or CSEA that issued one of the notices of the allocation, and give priority to amounts designated in each notice as current support in the following manner:

    ·         If the total of the amounts designated in the notices as current support exceeds the amount available for withholding under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 1673(b), the payor shall allocate to each notice an amount for current support equal to the amount designated in that notice as current support multiplied by a fraction in which the numerator is the amount of income available for withholding and the denominator is the total amount designated in all of the notices as current support.

    ·         If the total of the amounts designated in the notices as current support does not exceed the amount available for withholding under section 303(b) of the "Consumer Credit Protection Act," 1673(b), the payor shall pay all of the amounts designated as current support in the notices and shall allocate to each notice an amount for past-due support equal to the amount designated in that notice as past-due support multiplied by a fraction in which the numerator is the amount of income remaining available for withholding after the payment of current support and the denominator is the total amount designated in all of the notices as past- due support.

    EMPLOYERS WITH 50 OR MORE EMPLOYEES: In accordance with ORC section 3121.19, if you are an employer that employs more than 50 employees, you are required to submit withholding amounts to the state via electronic transfer and combine all of the payments to be forwarded in one payment. The payment shall clearly identify: each employee/obligor covered by the payment; each child support case number covered by the payment; and the portion of the payment attributable to each employee/obligor and case number.

    COMBINING PAYMENTS:  In accordance with ORC section 3121.20, a payor required to withhold a specified amount from the income of more than one obligor under a withholding notice and to forward the amounts withheld or deducted to the office of child support may combine all of the amounts to be forwarded in one payment if the payment is accompanied by a list that clearly identifies all of the following: Each obligor covered by the payment; each child support case, numbered as provided on the withholding or deduction notice, that is covered by the payment; and the portion of the payment attributable to each obligor and each case number.

    LUMP SUM PAYMENTS:  In accordance with ORC section 3121.037, no later than the earlier of 45 days before a lump sum payment is to be made or, if the obligor's right to the lump sum payment is determined less than 45 days before it is to be made, the date on which that determination is made, the payor notify the child support enforcement agency administering the support order of any lump sum payment of any kind of $150 or more that is to be paid to the obligor, hold each lump sum payment of $150 or more for 30 days after the date on which it would otherwise be paid to the obligor and, on order of the court or agency that issued the support order, pay all or a specified amount of the lump sum payment to the office of child support.

    NOTIFICATION OF TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT: In accordance with ORC section 3121.037, you must promptly notify the CSEA administering the support order, in writing, within 10 business days after the date of any situation that occurs in which the payor ceases to pay income to the obligor in an amount sufficient to comply with the order, including termination of employment, layoff of the obligor from employment, any leave of absence of the obligor from employment without pay, termination of workers' compensation benefits, or termination of any pension, annuity, allowance, or retirement benefit.  Include with the notification:

    ·         The obligor's last known address and telephone number; the obligor's date of birth, social security number, and case number; if known, the name, telephone number, and business address of any new employer or income source.

    ·         Identify any types of benefits other than personal earnings the obligor is receiving or is eligible to receive as a benefit of employment or as a result of the obligor's termination of employment, including, but not limited to, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation benefits, severance pay, sick leave, lump sum payments of retirement benefits or contributions, and bonuses or profit-sharing payments or distributions, and the amount of the benefits.

    FEE:  In accordance with ORC section 3121.18, a payor ordered to withhold a specified amount from the income of an employee under a withholding notice may deduct from the income of the person, in addition to the amount withheld for purposes of support, a fee of the greater of $2 or an amount not exceeding 1% of the amount withheld as a charge for its services in complying with the withholding notice.

    EFT: For EFT/EDI instructions, contact CSPC at 1-888-965-2676 or go to:


    JFS 04047 (Rev. 5/2012)                                              [OMB 0970-0154 (Expiration 05/31/2014)]                     Page 4 of 5

    Employer's Name:                  <TPN_Name>                                                          Employer FEIN:                   <TPN_FEIN>                                                      Employee/Obligor's  Name:                      <Obligor_First_Name>                 <Obligor_Middle_Initial>                 <Obligor_Last_Name>           Case Identifier:                                   <Case_No>                                                              Order Identifier:       <Order_No>                                                    


    To employer: If the employer/income withholder has any questions, contact <Primary_Worker_Name> by phone at <CSEA_800_No>, by fax at <CSEA_Fax_No>, by email or website at:   

    Send termination notice and other correspondence to:  <County_Name> County CSEA, <CSEA_Address_1>, <CSEA_Address_2>,

    <CSEA_City>, <CSEA_State> <CSEA_ZIP>

    To employee/obligor: If the employee/obligor has questions, contact <Primary_Worker_Name> by phone at <CSEA_800_No>, by fax<CSEA_Fax_No>, by email or website at                   

    IMPORTANT: The person completing this form is advised that the information may be shared with the employee/obligor.

    JFS 04047 (Rev. 5/2012)                                              [OMB 0970-0154 (Expiration 05/31/2014)]                     Page 5 of 5

    A<CCoTunItOy_NNa:mTeo> CBouentRy CeSfiElAed

    Telephone Number:DATE<C:S1E2A_/0Lo5c/a2l_0P1ho2ne3_:N2o0>  PM


    Toll Free Number:



    Fax Number:


    <CSEA_City> <CSEA_State> <CSEA_Zip>




    <TPN_Address_1> <TPN_Suite>


    <TPN_City> <TPN_State> <TPN_Zip>


    Date:          <Print_Date>

    Case Number:              <Case_No>

    Order Number:             <Order_No>

    Ohio Department of Job and Family Services


    (Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3121.) [<ORG> ] Original Notice                                          [<AMD> Amended Notice



    FIPS Code:






      <TPN_Name>                                                 RE:   <Obligor_Last_Name><Obligor_First_Name><Obligor_Middle_Initial>                                                                        

      <TPN_Address_1> <TPN_Suite>                                Employee/Obligor's Name

      <TPN_Address_2>                                                  <Obligor_SSN>                                                                       

      <TPN_City> <TPN_State> <TPN_Zip>                        Obligor's Social Security Number


    <Account_Number>                                                   Custodial Party/Obligee's Name (Last, First, MI) Financial Institution Account Number

    Type of Account:         [<X>] Checking


    Child(ren)'s Name(s)                     Date of Birth

    Child(ren)'s Name(s)                 Date of Birth

    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>

    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>

    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>    <Child_First_Name><Child_Last_Name>    <Child_DOB>


    In accordance with Chapter 3121. of the Ohio Revised Code, withholding under this notice is binding and you are required to deduct these amounts at the specified interval from the obligor's account until further notice from the court or child support enforcement agency (CSEA).

      $ <Current_Child_Support>       Per MONTH current child support

      $ <Past-Due_Child_Support>      Per MONTH past-due child support

      $ <Current_Medical_Support>     Per MONTH current cash medical support

      $ <Past-Due_Medical_Support>  Per MONTH past-due cash medical support

      $ <Current_Spousal_Support>    Per MONTH current spousal support

      $ <Past-Due_Spousal_Support> Per MONTH past-due spousal support

      $ <Other_Obligation(s)>            Per MONTH other (must specify)        <Other_Obligation(s)_Description>

      $ <Total_Monthly_Obligation>  TOTAL per month to be forwarded to the payee below.


    You must begin withholding no later than 14 business days after the date of <Print_Date>. You must send the payment immediately, but not later than 7 business days after the date the latest deduction was made. Include with each payment the obligor's case identifier (<Case_No>) and the date on which the amount was deducted.

    JFS 04017 (5/2012)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 2

    Make check payable to:       Ohio Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) Send Check to:                      P.O. Box 182394

    Columbus, OH 43218

    For EFT/EDI instructions, contact the EFT/EDI Child Support Payment Central at 1-888-965-2676

    Obligor Name:


    Case Number:


    Financial Institution:


    Order Number:



    Priority: Except for deductions from lump sum payments made in accordance with section 3121.0311 of the Revised Code, the withholding in accordance with the notice has priority over any other legal process under the law of this state against the same income.

    Combining Payments: In accordance with Ohio Revised Code (ORC) section 3121.20, a financial institution required to withhold a specified amount from the income of more than one obligor under a withholding notice and to forward the amounts withheld or deducted to the office of child support may combine all of the amounts to be forwarded in one payment if the payment is accompanied by a list that clearly identifies all of the following: Each obligor covered by the payment; each child support case, numbered as provided on the withholding or deduction notice, that is covered by the payment; and the portion of the payment attributable to each obligor and each case number.

    Fee: In accordance with ORC section 3121.18, a financial institution required to deduct funds from an account under a deduction notice may deduct from the account of the person, in addition to the amount deducted for purposes of support, a fee of the lesser of five dollars or an amount not exceeding the lowest rate it charges, if any, for a debit transaction in a similar account as a charge for its service in complying with the deduction notice.


    In accordance with ORC section 3121.037, you must promptly notify the CSEA in writing, within ten (10) business days after the date of any termination of the account from which the deduction is being made and notify the agency, in writing, of the opening of a new account at that financial institution, the account number of the new account, the name of any other known financial institutions in which the obligor has any accounts, and the numbers of those accounts. You must also provide:

    Social Security Number:                                                                                                                                                                                      

    Last Known Home Address:                                                                                                                                                                                


    If you or your obligor have questions about the provisions of the notice or other communication, contact:


    <County_Name> County CSEA



    <CSEA_City> <CSEA_State> <CSEA_Zip> Telephone Number:                     <CSEA_Local_Phone_No>

    Toll Free Number:    <CSEA_800_No> Fax Number:    <CSEA_Fax_No>

    JFS 04017 (5/2012)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 2 of 2