5101:2-13-02 Application and amendments for a family child care provider license.  

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    5101:2-13-02               Type A home types and rule stipulations.




    (A)"Type A home", as defined in section 5104.01 of the Revised Code, means a permanent residence of the administrator in which child care is provided for seven to twelve children at one time, including any children under six years of age who are related to a licensee, administrator, or employee of the type A home and who are on the premises of the type A home; or for four to twelve children at one time if four or more children at one time are under two years of age, including any children under six years of age who are related to a licensee, administrator, or employee of the type A home and who are on the premises of the type A home.


    Type A home does not include a residence in which the needs of children are administered to, if all of the children whose needs are being administered to are siblings of the same immediate family and the residence is the home of the siblings.


    (B)"Drop-in type A home", as defined in section 5104.01. of the Revised Code, means a home that provides child care for children on a temporary, irregular basis. For the purpose of this rule, "temporary and irregular" means no more than thirty days a year for any child enrolled. Drop-in type A homes shall comply with all rules under Chapter 5101:2-13 of the Administrative Code except:


    (1)In reference to rule 5101:2-13-31 of the Administrative Code, the drop-in type A home shall not administer any medication, food supplement or modified diet.


    (2)In reference to rule 5101:2-13-19 of the Administrative Code, the drop-in type A home shall be required to provide only one cot for an ill child and only a sufficient number of cots, couches, beds, pads or mats so that each toddler, preschool child, or school child who naps at the type A home may nap individually.


    (3)In reference to rule 5101:2-13-37 of the Administrative Code, the drop-in type A home shall not be required to obtain verification of a medical examination or immunization record for each child.


    (4)In reference to rule 5101:2-13-37 of the Administrative Code, the drop-in type A home shall obtain, and maintain on file at the home for at least one year, health and enrollment records for each child.


    (5)In reference to rule 5101:2-13-32 of the Administrative Code, the drop-in type A home shall not be required to maintain parent rosters.


    (C)"Part-time type A home", as defined in section 5104.01. of the Revised Code, means a type A home that provides child care for no more than four hours per day for any child. Part-time type A homes shall meet all rules of Chapter 5101:2-13 of the Administrative Code except:


    (1) In  reference  to  rule  5101:2-13-14  only  the  part-time  type  A  home  which



    includes  outdoor  play  as  part  of  their  scheduled  daily  program  shall  be required to comply with all stipulations of this rule.

    (D) "School child type A home", as defined in section 5104.01. of the Revised Code, means a type A home that provides child care for school children only and operates only during that part of the day immediately before or after the public school day of the school district, and/or when the public schools in the district are not open for instruction. School child type A homes shall comply with all rules of Chapter 5101:2-13 of the Administrative Code except:

    (1) In reference to rule 5101:2-13-37 the school child type A home shall obtain health and enrollment records for each child, except immunization records.

    (2) In reference to rule 5101:2-13-37 the school child type A home shall not be required to obtain verification of a medical examination for each child.

    (3) In reference to rule 5101:2-13-32 the school child type A home shall not be required to provide a parent participation policy, except that the type A home shall provide, on file and to each parent, a written procedure for parents to follow if they have a concern.

    (4) In reference to rule 5101:2-13-19 the school child type A home shall  be required to provide only one cot for an ill child, and only a sufficient number of cots, mats or pads, sofas or couches so that each child who naps at the home may nap individually.

    Replaces:                                 5101:2-13-03, 5103:2-13-04, 5101:2-13-05, 5101:2-13-06

    Effective:                                07/01/2003 R.C. 119.032 review dates:                           04/01/2007





    Promulgated Under:   119.03

    Statutory Authority:   5104.011

    Rule Amplifies:           5104.01, 5104.011 Prior Effective Dates: 9/5/86

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 5101:2-13-02. Types of licensed type A homes