3745-1-30 Mill creek drainage basin.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Final Text Box: DATE: 03/16/2011 11:00 AM




    3745-1-30        Mill creek drainage basin.


    (A)             The water bodies listed in table 30-1 of this rule are ordered from downstream to upstream. Tributaries of a water body are indented. The aquatic life habitat, water supply and recreation use designations are defined in rule 3745-1-07 of the Administrative Code. The state resource water use designation is defined in rule 3745-1-05 of the Administrative Code. The most stringent criteria associated with any one of the use designations assigned to a water body will apply to that water body.


    (B)              Figure 1 of the appendix to this rule is a generalized map of the Mill creek drainage basin. A generalized map of Ohio outlining the twenty-three major drainage basins and listing associated rule numbers in Chapter 3745-1 of the Administrative Code is in figure 1 of the appendix to rule 3745-1-08 of the Administrative Code.


    (C)              RM, as used in this rule, stands for river mile and refers to the method used by the Ohio environmental protection agency to identify locations along a water body. Mileage is defined as the lineal distance from the downstream terminus (i.e., mouth) and moving in an upstream direction.


    (D)             The following symbols are used throughout this rule:


    *          Designated use based on the 1978 water quality standards;


    +          Designated use based on the results of a biological field assessment performed by the Ohio environmental protection agency;


    o          Designated use based on justification other than the results of a biological field assessment performed by the Ohio environmental protection agency; and


    L          An L in the warmwater habitat column signifies that the water body segment is designated limited warmwater habitat.

























    Water Body Segment

    Use Designations




    Aquatic Life Habitat

    Water Supply


    S R W

    W W H

    E W H

    M W H

    S S H

    C W H

    L R W

    P W S

    A W S

    I W S

    B W

    P C R

    S C R

    |      |     |     |     |     |     |     | Muddy creek

    Rapid run (Ohio river RM 500.74) Wulff run (Rapid run RM 1.65)

    Mill creek - headwaters to I-275 (RM 17.9)


    -  I-275 to Center Hill rd. (RM 7.9)


    -  Center Hill rd. (RM 7.9) to the mouth


    West Fork creek (Mill creek RM 3.45) - headwaters to Montana ave. (RM 2.1)


    - Montana ave. to the mouth Ross run (Mill creek RM 6.45)

    Winton Ridge tributary (Mill creek RM 6.85) Bloody run (Mill creek RM 7.63)

    West fork - headwaters to Winton lake


    - all other segments


    Cooper creek (Mill creek RM 14.05) a.k.a. Rossmoyne creek Sharon creek (Mill creek RM 15.63)

    Sharon lake


    Town run (Mill creek RM 16.93)



































    * +































































































































































































































    Irretrievable habitat modification Irretrievable habitat modification





    IP ecoregion - channel modification





    Small drainageway maintenance Small drainageway maintenance



    IP ecoregion - channel modification


    Water Body Segment

    Use Designations




    Aquatic Li Habitat


    Water Supply


    S R W

    W W H

    E W H

    M W H

    S S H

    C W H

    L R W

    P W S

    A W S

    I W S

    B W

    P C R

    S C R


    |     |     |     |     |     |     |


    East fork (Mill creek RM 17.95) - headwaters to Butler county upper Mill creek WWTP (RM 1.07)

    - upper Mill creek WWTP to the mouth Beaver run (Mill creek RM 18.21)













































    SRW = state resource water; WWH = warmwater habitat; EWH = exceptional warmwater habitat; MWH = modified warmwater habitat; SSH = seasonal salmonid habitat; CWH = coldwater habitat; LRW = limited resource water; PWS = public water supply; AWS = agricultural water supply; IWS = industrial water supply; BW = bathing water; PCR = primary contact recreation; SCR = secondary contact recreation.

    3745-1-30                                                                                                                              4

    Effective:                                                     06/16/2011

    R.C. 119.032 review dates:                         01/06/2011 and 06/16/2016





    Promulgated Under:                           119.03

    Statutory Authority:                           6111.041

    Rule Amplifies:                                  6111.041

    Prior Effective Dates:                         4/4/85, 3/29/01

Document Information

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 3745-1-30. Mill creek drainage basin