4734-7-02 Standards for board-approved continuing education sponsors; continuing education held within the state of Ohio.
4734-7-02 Standards for board-approved continuing education sponsors; continuing education held within the state of Ohio.
(A)This rule applies to CE programs held within the state of Ohio for license renewal credit. Such programs shall be provided by a board-approved continuing education sponsor and comply with the requirements outlined in this rule.
(B)Board-approved chiropractic educational institutions are granted "Ohio board-approved CE sponsor" status and as such are approved by the board to offer CE credit for license renewal within the state of Ohio so long as the program meets the requirements of this Chapter. All other CE providers must apply to the board for "Ohio board-approved CE sponsor" status.
(C)To obtain approval as a board-approved CE sponsor, the sponsor shall submit a request for approval in writing to the board and include evidence that the sponsor is a non-profit association registered with the state of Ohio secretary of state, or an accredited academic health institution or hospital. The applicant's request for approval shall attest that all programs offered for Ohio CE credit will comply with the requirements of this rule.
(D)Chiropractic continuing education is defined as programs comprised of one or more of the following subjects: Clinical diagnosis and examination procedures; diagnostic imaging; neurology; nutrition; public health, hygiene, sanitation; manipulation and adjusting procedures; physiological therapeutics; orthopedics; emergency procedures; principles and practice; philosophy; laboratory procedures; anatomy; physiology; rehabilitative procedures/exercise; ethics/boundaries; staff development and training; documentation; risk management; ethics/professionalism; laws and rules of the board; and other subjects related to the practice of chiropractic as deemed appropriate by the board.
(E)Acupuncture continuing education is defined as programs comprised of topics to enhance acupuncture professional competency.
(F) Requirements for programs:
(1)Programs shall be based upon scientific evidence generally accepted by the profession and be of academic and ethical quality to enhance professional knowledge, skills and ability;
(2)Objectives and expected outcomes shall be developed for participants to be used as a basis for determining content and learning experiences;
(3)Explicit written objectives identifying expected learner outcomes shall be developed for each program;
(4)Programs shall reflect appropriate didactic and clinical training for the subject matter. Teaching methods shall be appropriate to achieve the stated objective of the course and the time allotted shall be sufficient for participants to meet
the stated objectives;
(5) Instructors shall be qualified by education and/or experience to provide instruction in the relevant subject matter. Programs that do not include a chiropractic physician as an instructor shall designate a chiropractic physician that shall be available during the program for consultation;
(6) Facilities and equipment shall be adequate for the program;
(7) An individual shall be designated to be responsible for each CE program offered;
(8) Appropriate attendance and/or monitoring procedures shall be utilized;
(9) Each attendee shall receive a certificate for each CE program completed within fifteen days of the conclusion of the program. Such certificate must include the attendee's name, license number, program name, location, name of instructor, sponsor, dates, and hours achieved.
(G) Each program shall be registered with the board office at least thirty days prior to the date of the program. Any changes or cancellations of a program shall be immediately registered with the board. CE programs to be held in March of even numbered years shall not be canceled less than sixty days prior to the date of the scheduled program.
(H) Board-approved CE sponsors shall notify the board of any substantive changes in the sponsor's ability to comply with this rule.
(I) A list of all attendees for each program shall be submitted to the board office within thirty days of completion of the program.
(J) Each board-approved CE sponsor shall maintain CE attendance records for three years from the conclusion of the program.
(K) Instructors for CE programs shall not be required to apply for a temporary license when demonstrating techniques or procedures on a program participant providing that the instructor possesses valid liability coverage at the time of demonstration, fully explains the technique or procedure to the participant, discloses any potential risks, and obtains written informed consent prior to the demonstration. It shall be the CE sponsor's responsibility to ensure that the instructor is qualified to demonstrate the technique or procedure and possesses valid liability coverage at the time of demonstration. No instructor shall demonstrate any technique or procedure on a program participant without the full knowledge and consent of the board-approved CE sponsor.
(L) The following shall be included in all publication materials pertaining to courses offered for Ohio CE credit:
(1) Program title;
(2) Description of program content;
(3) Description of teaching method;
(4) Names of all instructors and their qualifications;
(5) Location, date, time, cost and contact information for registration;
(6) Refund and cancellation policy;
(7) Disclosure of any connection between the provider and/or instructor of any commercial relationships and/or any external entity giving financial support to the program;
(8) Number of credit hour offered;
(9) The term "Ohio board-approved CE sponsor."
(M) CE approval does not extend to individual courses or programs not specifically conducted for CE credit. The term "Ohio board-approved CE sponsor" shall only be included on promotional publications for programs offered for license renewal credit. Programs held within the state of Ohio that are not offered for license renewal credit shall not include the term "Ohio board-approved CE sponsor" nor any other terms or statements that could mislead a licensee to believe the program may be attended for license renewal credit.
(N) The approval of a program by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards or other contracted agency shall be considered prima facie evidence that the program satisfies the standards for CE programs as set forth in this Chapter but shall not be considered conclusive.
(O) A representative of the board may audit any CE program registered for license renewal credit in order to verify the content of the program and ensure compliance with the board's CE rules at no charge to the board or board representative.
(P) The board may request documentation from a board-approved CE sponsor for any program registered for license renewal credit to ensure compliance with this rule.
(Q) Non-compliance. If the board determines that any board approved CE sponsor is in violation of this rule or Chapter 4734-7, the board may:
(1) Issue a written warning to the sponsor;
(2) Subject the sponsor to a probationary period wherein the sponsor shall be
required to submit program materials to the board office for review and approval;
(3) Remove "board approved CE sponsor" status for a specific time period up to and including permanently;
(4) If the board approved CE sponsor is a board approved chiropractic educational institution, the board may also propose to revoke approval of the institution in accordance with rule 4734-5-06 of the Administrative Code.
Replaces: 4734-7-02, 4734-10-06 eff. 4/5/09
Effective: 04/01/2010
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 04/01/2015
Promulgated Under:
Statutory Authority:
Rule Amplifies:
4734.25, 4734.284
Prior Effective Dates:
1/10/2003, 8/1/2007
Document Information
- Effective Date:
- 4/1/2010
- File Date:
- 2010-03-16
- Last Day in Effect:
- 2010-04-01
- Rule File:
- 4734-7-02_PH_FF_N_RU_20100316_0851.pdf
- Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
- Ill. Adm. Code 4734-7-02. Standards for board-approved continuing education sponsors; continuing education held within the state of Ohio