5101:2-14-08 Training requirements for licensed type B home provider.  

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    5101:2-14-08               Indoor space, programming and equipment for professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide.




    (A)   The home shall have at least thirty-five square feet of usable indoor floor space per child for the total number of children who are present at one time. Usable indoor floor space shall not include bathrooms, hallways, storage rooms, or other areas not available for type B home or in-home aide care. Placement of furniture and equipment shall ensure child safety and mobility and adequate space for age appropriate play and developmental activities.


    (1)Useable  indoor  floor  space  shall  not  include  bathrooms,  hallways,  storage rooms, or other areas not available or not used for child care.


    (2)Placement of furniture, equipment and household items shall ensure child safety and mobility. Adequate un-interrupted play space shall be provided to ensure age appropriate play and developmental activities.


    (B)    The provider shall make available on a daily basis, a well balanced program of activities and with opportunities for both quiet and active play suitable to the developmental levels and abilities of each child in care. The program shall be designed to promote children's physical, social-emotional, cognitive and language development.


    (C)   A copy of the daily program schedule shall be kept on file posted in a conspicuous place in at the home. for caretaker(s) of the children and The county department of job and family services (CDJFS) representatives to shall observe whether there is adherence to the posted daily program.


    (D)  The program and environment shall:


    (1)   Include outdoor play each day, except as limited by rule 5101:2-14-17 of the Administrative Code. The program shall provide an opportunity for indoor gross motor play such as, climbing, jumping, running, riding wheel toys, or music and movement on days when outdoor play is not provided.


    (2)     Provide durable furniture such as, tables and chairs for the purpose of implementing the program. This furniture shall be child sized or safely adapted for use by children.


    (3)   Provide play materials to be used as part of the provider's daily program. These materials shall be visible, readily accessible, and arranged in an orderly manner so that children have opportunities to select, remove, and replace play materials with a minimum of assistance during the day.





    (4)       Provide  opportunities  for  periods  of  child  initiated  activities  such  as, imaginative play, language development, and creative activities.

    (5) Each infant shall be removed from his/her crib or playpen at intervals during the day for individual attention. An infant, while awake, shall not be kept in the crib or playpen for more than one hour at a time.

    (E)    The provider shall ensure that equipment, materials, and furnishings provided for both indoor and outdoor play are sufficiently varied and adequate to meet the developmental needs of the children. The home shall have enough play materials and equipment so that, at any one time in the daily program, each child can be actively involved in play with developmentally appropriate equipment or materials.

    (F)     Equipment and materials shall be available and representative from all of the following categories for each age group:

    (1)   Infant

    (a)   Pretend or dramatic play materials;.

    (b)   Language arts and auditory equipment;.

    (c)   Sensory perceptual motor materials;.

    (d)  Manipulative materials and equipment;.

    (e)   Music equipment;.

    (f)  Gross motor activities; and.

    (g)   Large blocks.

    (h) Transportation materials and equipment.

    (2)   Toddler and preschool child

    (a)   Art supplies;.

    (b)   Blocks;.

    (c)   Language arts and auditory equipment and materials;.

    (d)  Pretend or dramatic play materials;.

    (e)   Gross motor equipment;.

    (f)  Manipulative materials and equipment;.

    (g)   Music equipment;.

    (h)   Science-nature equipment; and.

    (i)   Sensory motor equipment.

    (j) Transportation materials and equipment.

    (3)   School child

    (a)   Art supplies;.

    (b)   Manipulative materials and equipment;.

    (c)   Sports and gross motor equipment;.

    (d)  Science-nature materials;.

    (e)   Language arts materials;.

    (f)  Pretend or dramatic play materials;.

    (g)   Music equipment; and..

    (h)   Blocks.

    (i) Transportation materials and equipment.

    (G)    The provider shall designate an area where children can individually store their personal belongings. This area shall not block walkways or evacuation routes.



    R.C. 119.032 review dates:











    Promulgated Under:



    Statutory Authority:


    Rule Amplifies:


    Prior Effective Dates:

    10/1/83, 9/1/86, 2/15/88, 5/1/89, 10/15/96, 10/1/97

    (Emer.), 12/30/97, 4/1/03