5101:2-14-30 Application and approval for certification as an in-home aide.  

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    5101:2-14-30               Management    of    communicable     disease    for                          professional certification as a type B home provider or in-home aide.




    (A)   The Upon the child's arrival each day, the provider shall observe each child for signs of communicable illness daily as the child enters the home.


    (B)   Each provider shall decide if he/she he or she will care for sick children as defined in this rule and shall inform caretakers of his/her his or her decision. If the provider cares for sick children, the provider must follow these guidelines:


    (1)   Isolate the sick child away from other children, but within sight or hearing at all times;.


    (2)Provide the sick child with a cot or bed or the sick infant with a crib, and make comfortable.


    (3) Notify the child's caretakers immediately if the child's condition worsens.


    (2)(4) Inform parents caretakers within twenty-four hours when a child in care has a communicable disease or has been exposed to a communicable disease. and The provider shall refer them the caretakers to the Ohio department of health communicable disease chart, which shall be posted in an area easily accessible to parents; and.


    (3)(5) Launder bedding and wash toys used by the sick child before use by another child.


    (C)  All the requirements of this rule shall apply when the provider's own child is sick.


    (D)A sick child is a child demonstrating any of the following symptoms:


    (1)Temperature of at least one hundred degrees Fahrenheit when in combination with any other sign or symptom of illness. Temperatures shall be taken by the axillary (armpit) method with a digital thermometer following manufacturer's guidelines. The thermometer shall be sanitized after each use according to manufacturer's recommendations.


    (2)Diarrhea (three or more abnormally loose stools within a twenty-four hour period).


    (3)Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound.


    (4) Difficult or rapid breathing.





    (5) Yellowish skin or eyes.

    (6) Purulent (pus) eye discharge, or eye pain, or eye lid redness or fever.

    (7) Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes.

    (8) Unusually dark urine and /or gray or white stool.

    (9) Stiff neck with elevated temperature.

    (10) Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations.

    (11) Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing.

    (12) Vomiting more than one time or when accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness.



    R.C. 119.032 review dates:











    Promulgated Under:



    Statutory Authority:


    Rule Amplifies:


    Prior Effective Dates:

    4/1/82, 5/20/83, 9/1/86, 2/15/88, 5/1/89, 10/1/97,

