3701-83-15 Definitions - ambulatory surgical facilities.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Original Text Box: DATE: 02/28/2006 1:34 PM








    The Director of the Ohio Department of Health has proposed to amend existing rules 3701-83- 01, 3701-83-03 to 3701-83-05, 3701-83-06, 3701-83-08, 3701-83-09, 3701-83-12, 3701-83-

    14 to 3701-83-18, 3701-83-20, 3701-83-26, 3701-83-29, 3701-83-36 to 3701-83-38, 3701-

    83-43, 3701-83-45, 3701-83-47, 3701-83-51, 3701-83-52, and 3701-83-55 of the Ohio

    Administrative Code. These rules concerning the licensing of ambulatory surgical facilities and certain freestanding health care facilities have been reviewed pursuant to Revised Code 119.032 (five-year rule review). In addition, the Director proposes to adopt new rules 3701-83-05.1 and 3701-83-05.2. These rules incorporate statutory language pertaining to civil monetary penalties, compliance actions, informed consent requirements, and to the range of civil monetary penalties, as set forth in S.B. 124 of the 124th General Assembly.


    In accordance with Chapter 119 of the Revised Code, the Director, or his designee, will conduct a public hearing on the proposed action on Friday, March 31, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. The hearing will be conducted in the 6th floor conference room of the Ohio Department of Health, 246 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio.


    At the hearing, persons affected by the proposed action may appear and be heard in person, by their attorney or both; may present their positions, arguments, or contentions orally or in writing; may offer witnesses; and may present evidence tending to show that the proposed rules, if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful. Persons intending to testify are encouraged to preregister by writing Kaye Norton, Office of the General Counsel, Ohio Department of Health, P.O. Box 118, Columbus, Ohio 43216-0118, or by telephoning (614) 466-4882.


    Copies of the proposed rules may be found on the Register of Ohio website:  www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/jsps/PublicDisplayRules/searchrulenumber.jsp; or they may be requested from Ms. Norton at the address or phone number listed above. Comments should be submitted to Ms. Norton at the above address or faxed to (614) 728-7813, before 10:00 a.m., March 31, 2006.


    February 28, 2006