5101:2-17-01 "Step Up To Quality" (SUTQ): program standards.  

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    5101:2-17-01               Application and eligibility for step up to quality (SUTQ).




    (A)A child care program licensed by the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) may apply to participate in step up to quality (SUTQ), a voluntary quality rating system.


    (B)Eligibility requirements to become star rated include:


    (1)The program has not received a letter of intent to revoke a license from ODJFS within the forty-eight months prior to application.


    (2)The program had no serious risk noncompliances, as outlined in appendix A to this rule, at the last licensing inspection, as a result of a substantiated complaint, or during a verification visit.


    (3)The program meets all the benchmark indicators for the star rating it applied for as listed in appendix B to this rule.


    (4)The  program  administrators,  lead  and  assistant  teachers  have  completed  a professional registry profile online at www.ohpdnetwork.org.


    (C)Any program with serious risk noncompliances may apply for a star rating after the next regular licensing inspection with no serious risk noncompliances.


    (D) program   shall   complete   and   submit   the   JFS   01550   (rev.   11/2006)   at www.stepuptoquality.org:


    (1) To participate in SUTQ.


    (2) To request a change in a star rating.


    (3) To renew a star rating.


    (E)After receiving notification of eligibility status from ODJFS programs shall comply with an unannounced verification visit as required by rule 5101:2-17-02 of the Administrative Code.


    (F) A star rated program shall maintain its rating for a period of one year as long as it has not had any serious risk noncompliances. A star rated program may receive a warning regarding its star rating or notification that its rating has been suspended or removed as a result of a serious risk noncompliance.


    (G)Any financial incentive issued to a star rated program shall be made by an electronic funds transfer (EFT).


    (H)A  star  rated  program  whose  star  rating  has  been  removed  shall  not  display, disseminate or utilize any SUTQ marketing materials provided by ODJFS.





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