3745-91-03 Requirements for plan drawings.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Refiled Text Box: DATE: 04/08/2010 12:27 PM




    Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis (Part A)


    Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

    Agency Name


    Division of Drinking and Ground Water (DDAGW)

    Susan Baughman

    Division                                                                  Contact

    50 West Town Street, Suite 700 PO Box 1049 Columbus OH 43216-1049

    614-644-2763        614-644-2909

    Agency Mailing Address (Plus Zip)                                       Phone                     Fax


    Rule Number


    TYPE of rule filing

    Rule Title/Tag Line              Requirements for plan drawings.


    1.  Is the rule being filed consistent with the requirements of the RC 119.032 review? Yes

    2.  Are you proposing this rule as a result of recent legislation? No

    3.  Statute prescribing the procedure in accordance with the agency is required to adopt the rule: 119.03

    4.  Statute(s) authorizing agency to adopt the rule: 6109.04

    5.  Statute(s) the rule, as filed, amplifies or implements: 6109.01, 6109.03, 6109.07

    6.  State the reason(s) for proposing (i.e., why are you filing,) this rule:

    This rule is being filed to fulfill the five year rule review requirements of section

    119.032 of the Revised Code.

    7.  If the rule is an AMENDMENT, then summarize the changes and the content of the proposed rule; If the rule type is RESCISSION, NEW or NO CHANGE, then summarize the content of the rule:

    This rule establishes requirements for plan drawings for construction or installation

    of public water systems or substantial modifications to existing public water systems. It specifies certain types of plans that must be issued by a registered professional engineer. Amendments to this rule include updated references and notes where they can be obtained.

    8.  If the rule incorporates a text or other material by reference and the agency claims the incorporation by reference is exempt from compliance with sections

    121.71 to 121.74 of the Revised Code because the text or other material is generally available to persons who reasonably can be expected to be affected by the rule, provide an explanation of how the text or other material is generally available to those persons:

    This rule incoporates by reference requirements in Revised Code section 4733.14 for issuance of plans by a registered professional engineer (PE). Also incoporated is a guidance document issued in 2010 by the Ohio EPA entitled "Guidelines for Design of Small Public Water Systems".

    The reference to Revised Code section 4733.14 is exempt from the requirements of sections 121.71 to 121.74 by section 121.76 of the Revised Code. Ohio EPA believes the guidance document referenced is exempt from Revised Code sections

    121.71 to 121.74 because it is a generally accepted industry standard in Ohio that is available to persons who are reasonably expected to be affected by the rule. Guidelines for Design of Small Public Water Systems was developed to provide a design guide for relatively simple public water systems that use only ground wtaer as a source. It has been incorporated in this rule to specify the types of designs that do not require certification by a PE. Design plans outside the scope of these guidelines are required to be issued by a PE to protect public health and welfare as authorized by Revised Code section 6109.04(B). Comments have been included at the end of the rule providing information to the reader about how to obtain a copy of the referenced documents.

    9.  If the rule incorporates a text or other material by reference, and it was infeasible for the agency to file the text or other material electronically, provide an explanation of why filing the text or other material electronically was infeasible:

    Not applicable.

    10.  If the rule is being rescinded and incorporates a text or other material by reference, and it was infeasible for the agency to file the text or other material, provide an explanation of why filing the text or other material was infeasible:

    Not Applicable.

    11.  If revising or refiling this rule, identify changes made from the previously filed version of this rule; if none, please state so:

    This rule is being refiled to update the date of a document referenced in the rule, which was revised to resolve areas of inconsistency with current rules and other Ohio EPA documents and update physical and Web site addresses. Revisions to the Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis were also made to better describe the cost of compliance and the impact on economic development of the rule.

    12. 119.032 Rule Review Date: 8/13/2009

    (If the rule is not exempt and you answered NO to question No. 1, provide the scheduled review date. If you answered YES to No. 1, the review date for this rule is the filing date.)

    NOTE: If the rule is not exempt at the time of final filing, two dates are required: the current review date plus a date not to exceed 5 years from the effective date for Amended rules or a date not to exceed 5 years from the review date for No Change rules.


    13.  Estimate the total amount by which this proposed rule would increase / decrease either revenues / expenditures for the agency during the current biennium (in dollars): Explain the net impact of the proposed changes to the budget of your agency/department.

    This will have no impact on revenues or expenditures. 0.00

    Ohio EPA will determine compliance with the rule requirements and issue notices of violation as appropriate. These activities are within the normal operating business of the agency, and are not expected to have an impact on the agency's current budget or require additional appropriations.

    14.  Identify the appropriation (by line item etc.) that authorizes each expenditure necessitated by the proposed rule:

    Not applicable.

    15.  Provide a summary of the estimated cost of compliance with the rule to all directly affected persons. When appropriate, please include the source for your information/estimated costs, e.g. industry, CFR, internal/agency:

    Please see RSFA Attachment A.

    16.  Does this rule have a fiscal effect on school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations? Yes

    You must complete Part B of the Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis in order to comply with Am. Sub. S.B. 33 of the 120th General Assembly.

    17.  Does this rule deal with environmental protection or contain a component dealing with environmental protection as defined in R. C. 121.39? Yes

    You must complete the Environmental rule Adoption/Amendment Form in order to comply with Am. Sub. 106 of the 121st General Assembly.

    Text Box: ACTION: Refiled                                                                                                                                              Text Box: DATE: 04/08/2010 12:27 PM

    Page B-1                                                                                   Rule Number: 3745-91-03

    Rule Summary and Fiscal Analysis (Part B)

    1.  Does the Proposed rule have a fiscal effect on any of the following?

    (a)  School Districts

    (b)    Counties                                 (c) Townships           (d) Municipal


    Yes                              Yes                              Yes                              Yes

    2.  Please provide an estimate in dollars of the cost of compliance with the proposed rule for school districts, counties, townships, or municipal corporations. If you are unable to provide an estimate in dollars, please provide a written explanation of why it is not possible to provide such an estimate.

    Please see RSFA Attachment A for the estimated cost of compliance. It is unknown which specific public water systems will submit plans for approval in the future, and so difficult to determine cost of compliance specifically for school districts, counties, townships and municipal corporations.

    3.  If the proposed rule is the result of a federal requirement, does the proposed rule exceed the scope and intent of the federal requirement? No

    4.  If the proposed rule exceeds the minimum necessary federal requirement, please provide an estimate of, and justification for, the excess costs that exceed the cost of the federal requirement. In particular, please provide an estimate of the excess costs that exceed the cost of the federal requirement for (a) school districts, (b) counties, (c) townships, and (d) municipal corporations.

    Not Applicable.

    5.  Please provide a comprehensive cost estimate for the proposed rule that includes the procedure and method used for calculating the cost of compliance. This comprehensive cost estimate should identify all of the major cost categories including, but not limited to, (a) personnel costs, (b) new equipment or other capital costs, (c) operating costs, and (d) any indirect central service costs.

    As described in RSFA Attachment A, the cost of compliance for this rule was based on fees submitted during fiscal year 2009 for plan approval. Costs associated with this rule include fees related to plans for new construction or significant modifications and therefore would fall under the category of capital costs.

    Page B-2                                                                                   Rule Number: 3745-91-03

    (a)  Personnel Costs

    Not applicable.

    (b)  New Equipment or Other Capital Costs

    See above.

    (c)  Operating Costs

    Not applicable.

    (d)  Any Indirect Central Service Costs

    Not applicable.

    (e)  Other Costs

    Not applicable.

    6.  Please provide a written explanation of the agency's and the local government's ability to pay for the new requirements imposed by the proposed rule.

    The 1996 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act provided capitalization grants to states with primary enforcement authority to help fund infrastructure improvements needed to comply with the new requirements. These grants fund the Water Supply Revolving Loan Fund, which provides low-interest loans to community and not for profit water systems. Loans can provide support for design work in addition to capital improvements. Operating costs would be supported through conventional mechanisms such as collecting fees from customers based on the amount of water used or rental fees.

    7.  Please provide a statement on the proposed rule's impact on economic development.

    While there are some costs associated with the proposed rule which may have a negative affect on economic development, the availability of a safe, reliable and adequate water supply is essential to Ohio's economic success.

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    Page E-1                                                                                   Rule Number: 3745-91-03

    Environmental Rule Adoption/Amendment Form

    Pursuant to Am. Sub. H.B. 106 of the 121st General Assembly, prior to adopting a rule or an amendment to a rule dealing with environmental protection, or containing a component dealing with environmental protection, a state agency shall:

    (1)    Consult with organizations that represent political subdivisions, environmental interests, business interests, and other persons affected by the proposed rule or amendment.

    (2)   Consider documentation relevant to the need for, the environmental benefits or consequences of, other benefits of, and the technological feasibility of the proposed rule or rule amendment.

    (3)  Specifically identify whether the proposed rule or rule amendment is being adopted or amended to enable the state to obtain or maintain approval to administer and enforce a federal environmental law or to participate in a federal environmental program, whether the proposed rule or rule amendment is more stringent than its federal counterpart, and, if the proposed rule or rule amendment is more stringent, the rationale for not incorporating its federal counterpart.

    (4)   Include with the proposed rule or rule amendment and rule summary and fiscal analysis required to be filed with the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review information relevant to the previously listed requirements.

    (A)  Were organizations that represent political subdivisions, environmental interests, business interests, and other persons affected by the proposed rule or amendment consulted ? Yes

    Please list each contact.

    Ohio EPA invited interested parties to comment on this rule during the period of January 26 to February 20, 2009. Comments received were considered and appropriate revisions to the rules were made. A list of interested parties will be furnished upon request.

    (B)  Was documentation that is relevant to the need for, the environmental benefits or consequences of, other benefits of, and the technological feasibility of the proposed rule or amendment considered ? Yes

    Please list the information provided and attach a copy of each piece of documentation to this form. (A SUMMARY OR INDEX MAY BE ATTACHED IN LIEU OF THE ACTUAL DOCUMENTATION.)

    Ohio Revised Code sections 3745.11(N)(1), 6109.03, 6109.04 and 6109.07.

    Page E-2                                                                                   Rule Number: 3745-91-03

    (C)  Is the proposed rule or rule amendment being adopted or amended to enable the state to obtain or maintain approval to administer and enforce a federal environmental law or to participate in a federal environmental program ? No

    Is the proposed rule or rule amendment more stringent than its federal counterpart ? No

    (D)  If this is a rule amendment that is being adopted under a state statute that establishes standards with which the amendment is to comply, is the proposed rule amendment more stringent than the rule that it is proposing to amend? No

    Not Applicable

    Text Box: ACTION: Refiled                                                                                                                                              Text Box: DATE: 04/08/2010 12:27 PM

    RS/FA for rule 3745-91-02, 3745-91-03 and 3745-91-08

    Attachment A, Estimated Cost of Compliance

    The cost of compliance for OAC rules 3745-91-02, 3745-91-03 and 3745-91-08 includes the costs associated with developing plans, providing required copies of plan drawings and specifications, and application fees. Approvable plans must meet the engineering standards established in the rules, which are no more stringent than would otherwise be required for similar projects that involve the practice of engineering.

    The formula for calculating the plan review fees authorized by section 3745.11(N) of the Revised Code is $150 plus 0.35% of the estimated project cost, not to exceed $20,000. The fee varies commensurate with project size. Fees submitted to the Agency during fiscal year 2009 for plan approval totaled approximately $750,000 statewide, at an average cost of $1050.

    Two new requirements which are expected to have associated costs are established in the rule by reference to the "Planning and Design Criteria for Establishing Approved Capacity for: 1) Surface Water and Ground Water Supply Sources, 2) Drinking Water Treatment Plants, and 3) Source/WTP Systems." The following estimate of these costs was developed in consultation with the Technology Committee of the American Water Works Association, which was instrumental in the development of the document.

    First, public water systems will need to document the capacity of their water-supply source. The cost of compliance for this provision will depend on how the water system chooses to perform this analysis, which may include performing field tests and/or hiring a professional hydrogeologist.

    The estimated cost for a hydrogeologist to perform this analyses for typical 8 to 12 inch tubular wells around 100 feet in depth is approximately $5,000 per well. Additional costs will likely be incurred as water system size and complexity increases.

    Secondly, public water systems will be required to perform water demand projections and initiate design or other appropriate planning activities to address changes in capacity. The costs associated with this provision may include labor costs associated with performing the projections, whether done in-house or by hiring a consultant, and the cost of capital improvements if identified as necessary. These costs are expected to range from $160 for one day of an operator's time up to $10,000 if a consultant is hired.

    Public water systems incurring costs to comply with this rule may pass some or all of the costs on to their consumers (which may include schools in their service area). This is a business decision of each water system over which Ohio EPA has no jurisdiction, and as such, it is difficult for Ohio EPA to predict the cost to each individual consumer of the water system.

Document Information

File Date:
Five Year Review:
Rule File:
RSFA File:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 3745-91-03. Requirements for plan drawings