4779-8-01 Renewal of license.  

  • ACTION: Original                                                  DATE: 06/12/2008 8:22 AM









    / / C) P P . C) H                                                                                                                 ??D STRICKLAND, GOVERNOR





    This notice is being made in accordance with section 119.03 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 4779 ??l of the Ohio Administrative Code.


    This is a notice to inform all interested parties that the State Board of Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics will conduct a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 2008 at 1:00 PM in Room 1918 on the 19th floor of the Vern Riffe Center for Government and the A1is located at ?7 S. High St.? Columbus, Ohio? 43215.


    The following rule amendments (changes),  rescissions  (elimination,  with  or  without  new  language proposed for replacement)? and new language offerings are being proposed for adoption to more effectively and efficiently govern the operation s of the State Board of Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, and more accurately and clearly define regulato?'requirements  for its licensees.


    ?TI?L?L       Public hearings on ado12tion ?amendme? ?or rescission of rules:  m?j:Q_Qds of public notice. (Rescind and Adopt New)

    Rule is being rescinded because so much of the rule language is being changed. The new language clarifies and updates the rule, seeking to use more plain language, fewer technical/legal terms.


    4779-1-02        Notice of board meetings .            (Amend)

    This rule provides information for consumer? stakeholders and licensees to be informed about board meetings.  Minor change in wording .


    4779-3 ?01          Defin ition of terms.                   (Amend)


    This rule defines certain terms used in the Practice Act. Two substantively significant changes are proposed: (1) eliminating language detailing the requirements for a post"graduate Certificate Program in Orthotics and/or Prosthetics, moving that language to its own separate rule number (see proposed 4779-4? 2); and (2) adding language to more clearly define the permissible scope of practice for a licensed Pedorthist. Other changes are technical and clarifying.


    4779?4-01        Ao12roval of educational nrograms            (Amend)

    The rule specifies that the board grants approval to programs accredited by CAAHEP (the Commission on Accreditation of AHied Health Programs).  Minor technical, clari?ing changes onl)?


    4779? 5-01          The examinations           (Rescind and Adopt New)

    Rule is being rescinded because so much of the rule language is being changed. Updates the language to I include pedorthic s language ?1d to note the change in name of the "ABC' (American Board for I Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics,?nd Pedorthics).                                                                                            I


    77 S. Hig h St., 18th floor Room #1854

    Colu mbus, OH 43215-6108

    Phone: 614"466-1157


    Fax: 614"387?7347

    Ema il : bopp@excha nge .state.oh.us


    ?he rule describes procedures for candidates approved for examination. Changes clarify certain language, updates the name of the exam vendor (ABC), and clarifies the Board's responsibilities.


    4779-5 ?03       License agrili??ti??_Qrocedure   (Rescind and Adopt New)

    The rule states details for the license application receipt and  review  process.  Id  language  is  being rescinded because  so  much  of  the  rule  language  is  being  changed.  The  old  rule  language  detailed req uirements for Iicensure pathways that have expired and are no longer in effect. The new language describes a more efficient and consistent process and specifies documentation required  for a successful license application, including the new criminal record check requirements.


    4779?5? 04

    Ou???state practice of 01ihotics?prosthetics ?or pedorthics

    Limited reciprocity

    (Rescind) (Adopt New)

    The rule describes the licensing req uirements for a practitioner already licensed in another state. The old rule language is being rescinded because so much of the rule language is being changed. The new language describes a more efficient and consistent process and speci?es documentation required for a successful license application ?  including the new criminal  ?ecord check requirements.

    477? 5?05        ?imina] records check reguirements     (Adopt New)

    ?h?·ule describes procedures for a license applicant to o?tain a criminal records check in compliance with

    H.B. 104? effective 03/24/2008, and in accordance with Revised Code sections 4776.02 and 4779.091.

                  (Rescind and Adopt New)

    ?he old rule language is being rescinded because so much of the rule language is being changed. The new language provides updates and clarifications? reconciles  language that previously  was not  in  conformity with statutory language, and describes a more efficient and consistent process and specifies documentation required for a successful license application, including the new criminal record check requirements.

    4779?7?01        ???inal license certificate and wallet identificatiQ!l???       (Amend)

    ?he rule provides ?asic information about license  documentation provided by the board to its licensees. Changes clarify certain language and note that Temporary  l icenses expire/renew on a different cycle than all other licenses.

    4779-8 ?0 1         Renewal of license        (Amend)

    The rule provides basic information about license renewal procedures and requirements. Changes reconcile language that did not conform to the statute and updates certain procedural details.

    4779?9-01     Continuir??ucation reguirements and rsm??_illgJOPPCE)                          (Amend)

    The rule details basic requirements for continuing education  accrual,  documentation  and  reporting. Changes include updating the rule "tagline" (title), and  specifying the amount of OPPCE required  for

    pedorthists during the three-year accrual period.

    ?he rule states the Board automatically recognizes update and clarif?the language.



    offerings  approved  by  ABC  or BOC.   Changes

                        (Adopt New)

    The rule p1?oposal seeks to codify in regulatory language the policy and procedure adopted by the Board to address a first or one-time "miss? of the contin uing education accrual requirements. The policy was developed and this rule is proposed because the statute links renewal of the license to the licensee's certification (without documentation) of appropriate CE coursework; the language provides a method to address the problem without necessarily pt?oceeding to formal board action.

    477?? ?01    BJ!???1?;!l??1????iilll?l conduct                             (Amend)

    ?he rule sets forth certain  basic  ethical  standards of practice  including non?discrimination,  full disclosure of financial considerations, and conflict-of-interest prohibitions. The new language specifies that a licensee referred to treat a patient ?rho appears to have been provided services by another  orthotic, prosthetic or pedorthic provider for current concerns has a duty of care to confer with the original provider and the prescribing provide1?before initiating service or treatment.



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                                                misuse or misappropri  tion of credentials.  ?he new language          through  appropriately  accredited  institutions  may  ?e  used  in  the

    ?he rule  language  sets forth new language provides for a



    requ ired  for license application?  renewal,  late renewal, and exam.   The to the new OPPCE Accrual Deficiency and Remediation rule.

                         (An end)

    The  rule  language  specifies  requirements  for  the  board  to  issue  replacement  documents,  and  the  cost. Changes are technical/formatting  only.



Document Information

File Date:
Five Year Review:
Notice File:
Rule File:
RSFA File:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 4779-8-01. Renewal of license