4906-13-07 Social and ecological data.  

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    4906-13-07                  Social and ecological data.




    (A)  Health and safety.


    (1)     Demographic. The applicant shall provide existing and ten-year projected population estimates for communities within five miles of the proposed site.


    (2)    Atmospheric emissions. The applicant shall describe in conceptual terms the probable impact to the population due to failures of air pollution control equipment.


    (3)   Noise. The applicant shall:


    (a)    Describe the construction noise levels expected at the nearest property boundary. The description shall address:


    (i)   Dynamiting activities.


    (ii)   Operation of earth moving equipment.


    (iii)   Driving of piles.


    (iv)   Erection of structures.


    (v)   Truck traffic.


    (vi)   Installation of equipment.


    (b)     Describe the operational noise levels expected at the nearest property boundary. The description shall address:


    (i)   Generating equipment.


    (ii)   Processing equipment.


    (iii)   Associated road traffic.


    (c)    Indicate the location of any noise-sensitive areas within one mile of the proposed facility.



    (d)     Describe  equipment  and  procedures  to  mitigate  the  effects  of  noise emissions from the proposed facility during construction and operation.

    (4)     Water. The applicant shall estimate the impact to public and private water supplies due to:

    (a)   Construction and operation of the proposed facility.

    (b)   Pollution control equipment failures.

    (B)  Ecological impact.

    (1)   Site information. The applicant shall:

    (a)    Provide a map of 1:24,000 scale containing a one half-mile radius from the proposed facility, showing the following:

    (i)   The facility boundary.

    (ii)    Undeveloped or abandoned land such as wood lots, wetlands, or vacant fields.

    (b)   Provide the results of a survey of the vegetation within the site boundary and within a one-fourth mile distance from the site perimeter.

    (c)   Provide the results of a survey of the animal life within the site boundary and within a one-fourth mile distance from the site perimeter.

    (d)   Provide a summary of any studies which have been made by or for the applicant addressing the ecological impact of the proposed facility.

    (e)   Provide a list of major species from the surveys of biota. "Major species" are those which are of commercial or recreational value, or species designated as endangered or threatened in accordance with U.S. and Ohio threatened and endangered species lists.

    (2)   Construction. The applicant shall:

    (a)    Estimate the impact of construction on the undeveloped areas shown in

    response to paragraph (B)(1)(a) of this rule.

    (b)   Estimate the impact of construction on the major species listed under the paragraph (B)(1)(e) of this rule.

    (c)    Describe the mitigation procedures to be utilized to minimize both the short-term and long-term impacts due to construction.

    (3)   Operation. The applicant shall:

    (a)     Estimate the impact of operation on the undeveloped areas shown in response to paragraph (B)(1)(a) of this rule.

    (b)     Estimate the impact of operation on the major species listed under paragraph (B)(1)(e) of this rule.

    (C)  Economics, land use and community development.

    (1)   Land uses. The applicant shall:

    (a)   Provide a map of 1:24,000 scale indicating general land uses, depicted as areas on the map, within a five-mile radius of the site, including such uses as residential and urban, manufacturing and commercial, mining, recreational, transport, utilities, water and wetlands, forest and woodland, pasture and cropland.

    (b)    Provide the number of residential structures within one thousand feet of the boundary of the proposed facility, and identify all residential structures for which the nearest edge of the structure is within one hundred feet of the boundary of the proposed facility.

    (c)   Estimate the impact of the proposed facility on the above land uses within a one-mile radius.

    (d)  Identify structures that will be removed or relocated.

    (e)   Describe formally adopted plans for future use of the site and surrounding lands for anything other than the proposed facility.

    (f)  Describe the applicant's plans for concurrent or secondary uses of the site.

    (2)   Economics. The applicant shall:

    (a)   Estimate the annual total and present worth of construction and operation payroll.

    (b)    Estimate the construction and operation employment and estimate the number that will be employed from the region.

    (c)   Estimate the increase in county, township, and city tax revenue accruing from the facility.

    (d)      Estimate the economic impact of the proposed facility on local commercial and industrial activities.

    (3)   Public services and facilities. The applicant shall describe the probable impact of the construction and operation on public services and facilities.

    (4)   Impact on regional development. The applicant shall:

    (a)    Describe the impact of the proposed facility on regional development, including housing, commercial and industrial development, and transportation system development.

    (b)     Assess the compatibility of the proposed facility and the anticipated resultant regional development with current regional plans.

    (D)  Cultural impact.

    (1)     The applicant shall indicate, on the 1:24,000 map referenced in paragraph (C)(1)(a) of this rule, any registered landmarks of historic, religious, archaeological, scenic, natural or other cultural significance within five miles of the proposed site.

    (2)      The applicant shall estimate the impact of the proposed facility on the preservation and continued meaningfulness of these landmarks and describe plans to mitigate any adverse impact.

    (3)    Landmarks to be considered for purposes of paragraphs (D)(1) and (D)(2) of this rule are those districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects which are recognized by, registered with, or identified as eligible for registration by the

    national registry of natural landmarks, the Ohio historical society, or the Ohio department of natural resources.

    (4)     The applicant shall indicate, on the 1:24,000 map referenced in paragraph (C)(1)(a) of this rule, existing and formally adopted land and water recreation areas within five miles of the proposed site.

    (5)   The applicant shall describe the identified recreational areas within one mile of the proposed site in terms of their proximity to population centers, uniqueness, topography, vegetation, hydrology, and wildlife. Estimate the impact of the proposed facility on identified recreational areas within one mile of the proposed site and describe plans to mitigate any adverse impact.

    (6)     The applicant shall describe measures that will be taken to minimize any adverse visual impacts created by the facility

    (E)  Public responsibility. The applicant shall:

    (1)       Describe the applicant's program for public interaction for the siting, construction, and operation of the proposed facility, i.e., public information programs.

    (2)     Describe any insurance or other corporate programs for providing liability compensation for damages to the public resulting from construction or operation of the proposed facility.

    (F)   Agricultural district impact. The applicant shall:

    (1)    Identify on a map of 1:24,000 scale all agricultural land, and separately all agricultural district land existing at least sixty days prior to submission of the application located within the proposed facility site boundaries.

    (2)    Provide, for all agricultural land identified under paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, the following:

    (a)   A quantification of the acreage impacted, and an evaluation of the impact of the construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed facility on the following agricultural practices within the proposed facility site boundaries:

    (i)      Field  operations  (i.e.,  plowing,  planting,  cultivating,  spraying,

    harvesting, etc.).

    (ii)   Irrigation.

    (iii)   Field drainage systems.

    (b)   A description of any mitigation procedures to be utilized by the applicant during construction, operation, and maintenance to reduce impacts to the agricultural land.

    (3)    Provide, for all agricultural land identified under paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, an evaluation of the impact of the construction and maintenance of the proposed facility on the viability as agricultural land of any land so identified. The evaluation shall include impacts to cultivated lands, permanent pasture land, managed woodlots, orchards, nurseries, livestock and poultry confinement areas and agriculturally related structures. Changes in land use and changes in methods of operation made necessary by the proposed facility shall be evaluated.

    Effective:                                                             06/26/2016

    Five Year Review (FYR) Dates:                         04/11/2016





    Promulgated Under:                           111.15

    Statutory Authority:                           4906.03

    Rule Amplifies:                                  4906.03, 4906.06

    Prior Effective Dates:                         1/25/09

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Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 4906-13-07. Social and ecological data