5101:2-16-35 County agency responsibilities for determining eligibility for publicly funded child care benefits.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Original Text Box: DATE: 07/14/2015 9:39 AM








    DATE:                         August 17, 2015

    TIME:                        10:00 A.M.

    LOCATION:               Room 3110 B, Rhodes State Office Tower

    30 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215


    Pursuant to sections 5104.30, 5104.34, and 5104.38 and Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services gives notice of the department's intent to consider the amendment of the rules as identified below and of a public hearing thereon.


    Rule 5101:2-16-01 "Definitions for eligibility for publicly funded child care benefits" has been amended to include redefining the "eligibility period" for child care to extend an eligibility to the Saturday after the last day of the twelfth month of eligibility and to define "temporary absence" for a caretaker.


    Rule 5101:2-16-07 "County agency responsibilities for the administration of publicly funded child care" has been amended to move paragraph (B) to clarify the agency's role in the recruitment of child care providers; to change the rule reference in paragraph (C)(4)(a) and to update the reference to the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act in paragraph (I).


    Rule 5101:2-16-30 "Eligibility requirements for receipt of publicly funded child care" has been amended to include increasing the initial and on-going income eligibility requirements; to define when an absent caretaker is included or excluded from eligibility determination; and to clarify when child care can be reinstated after termination.


    Rule 5101:2-16-34 "Income eligibility requirements for publicly funded child care benefits" has been amended to include allowing a fifty percent disregard of self- employment income in lieu of subtracting business related expenses from the self- employed individual's gross receipts; and to drop all cents reported with earned and unearned income, when calculating a family's gross monthly income.


    Rule 5101:2-16-35 "County agency responsibilities for determining eligibility for publicly funded child care" has been amended to add a reference to paragraph (D) of rule 5101:2-16-35.1.


    Rule 5101:2-16-35.1 "Caretaker eligibility requirements to qualify for publicly funded child care benefits" has been amended to further define what a caretaker needs to complete on the JFS 01138 "Application for Child Care Benefits" and to limit a child's authorization to one provider per week.









    Rule 5101:2-16-36 "County agency responsibility for annual re-determination of eligibility for publicly funded child care" has been amended to remove paragraph (A) which outlined the transition to a new redetermination process.

    Rule 5101:2-16-37 "Caretaker requirements for annual re-determination of eligibility for publicly funded child care" has been amended to remove paragraph (A) which outlined the transition to a new redetermination process.

    Rule 5101:2-16-39 "Copayment for publicly funded child care benefits" has been amended to include waiving a copayment for families who have a monthly income at or below one-hundred percent of the federal poverty level and the process for distributing a calculated whole dollar weekly copayment among authorizations.

    A copy of the proposed rules are available, without charge, to any person affected by the rules at the address listed below. The rules are also available on the internet at  http://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/. A public hearing on the proposed rules will be held at the date, time, and location listed at the top of this notice. Either written or oral testimony will be taken at the public hearing. Additionally, written comments submitted or postmarked no later than the date of the public hearing will be treated as testimony.

    Requests for a copy of the proposed rules or comments on the rules should be submitted by mail to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Office of Legal and Acquisition Services, 30 East Broad Street, 31st Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3414, by fax at (614) 752-8298, or by e-mail at rules@jfs.ohio.gov.