4731-11-02 General provisions.  

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    THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF OHIO, pursuant to Chapter 119, Ohio Revised Code, hereby gives notice that it will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rescission, amendment, and adoption of rules.



    The following rules relating to controlled substances involved changing more than fifty percent of the content of the existing rules, resulting in the requirement to rescind the existing rules and propose as new rules:


                                                    General provisions.

                                                    Utilization of anabolic steroids, schedule II controlled substance cocaine hydrochloride, and schedule II controlled substance stimulants.

                                                    Controlled substances: Utilization of short term anorexiants for weight reduction.

    4731-11-07        Research utilizing controlled substances.


    The following rules are proposed for amendment:


    4731-1-02          Application of rules governing limited branches of medicine or surgery.

    4731-9-01          Record of board meetings; recording, filming, and photographing of meetings.


    The following rules for the regulation of prescribing long term anorexiants; concussion clearance to return to youth athletics to play; and military service regarding anesthesiologist assistants, radiologist assistants, and genetic counselors are proposed to be adopted as new rules:


    4730-1-06.1       Military provisions related to certificate to practice as a physician assistant.

    4731-6-35          Processing applications from service members, veterans, or spouses of service members or veterans.

    4731-11-04.1  Controlled substances: Utilization for chronic weight management.

    4731-24-05        Military provisions related to certificate to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant. 4731-31-01        Requirements for assessing and granting clearance for return to practice or competition. 4774-1-02.1       Military provisions related to certificate to practice as a radiologist assistant.

    4778-1-02.1       Military provisions related to certificate to practice as a genetic counselor.


    The following rule for the regulation of athletic ability enhancing drugs is proposed to be rescinded:


    4731-11-05        Use of drugs to enhance athletic ability.










    The proposed rules will be available from:

    ·         State Medical Board of Ohio, 30 East Broad Street, 3rd Floor, Columbus, OH 43215

    ·         Medical Board's website: http://med.ohio.gov (As of July 6, 2015)

    ·         Register of Ohio website: (As of July 2, 2015)  http://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us/jsps/publicdisplayrules/searchAgency.jsp (Select "4731 State Medical Board" from the drop down list.)

    All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard at the public hearing. Those persons who wish to provide oral testimony at the hearing are encouraged to preregister by contacting Sallie Debolt at the address below, and may be given preference in the order of their testimony. Persons providing oral testimony are encouraged to also submit a copy of the testimony at the hearing.

    All written comments received by the Board before the close of the hearing record will be considered. Written comments may be provided at the public hearing. However, persons interested in providing written comments are encouraged to do so prior to August 3 via e-mail to  Sallie.Debolt@med.ohio.gov , or via mail to:

    Sallie Debolt, Senior Counsel State Medical Board of Ohio 30 East Broad Street, 3rd Floor Columbus, OH 43215-6127