123:1-33-01 Eligibility for disability leave benefits.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Original Text Box: DATE: 08/10/2006 8:53 AM






    Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 119.03, notice is hereby given that the Department of Administrative Services intends to conduct a public hearing for the purpose of adopting Ohio Administrative Code Sections 123:1-33-01, 123;1-33-02, 123:1-33-03, 123:1-33-04, 123:1-33-05, 123:1-

    33-06, 123:1-33-07, 123:1-33-08, 123:1-33-09, 123:1-33-10, 123:1-33-11,

    123:1-33-12 and rescinding Ohio Administrative Code Sections 123:1-33- 07,        123:1-33-08,    123:1-33-09,    123:1-33-10,    123:1-33-12,   123:1-33-13,

    123:1-33-14, 123:1-33-15, and 123:1-33-16.


    The proposed to be adopted rules deal with the following subject matter:



    123:1-33-01 - Eligibility for disability leave benefits. 123:1-33-02 - Application for disability leave benefits.

    123:1-33-03 - Conditions precluding receipt of disability leave benefits. 123:1-33-04 - Appeal of a denial.

    123:1-33-05 - Payment of disability leave benefits. 123:1-33-06 - Length of eligibility.

    123:1-33-07 - Transitional or partial return to work. 123:1-33-08 - Subsequent disability.

    123:1-33-09 - Discipline of an employee receiving disability leave benefits.


    123:1-33-10 - Civil service rights of an employee receiving disability leave benefits.


    123:1-33-11 - Notice of disqualification from receipt of disability leave benefits.






    123:1-33-12 - Claims filed before October 29, 2006.

    The proposed to be rescinded rules deal with the following subject matter: 123:1-33-07 - Appeal of a denial.

    123:1-33-08 - Probationary period  for an employee  receiving disability leave benefits.

    123:1-33-09 - Civil service examinations administered during the period an employee is receiving disability leave benefits; automatic certification for employees receiving disability leave benefits.

    123:1-33-10 - Discipline of an employee receiving disability leave benefits. 123:1-33-12 - Disability leave benefits standard.

    123:1-33-13 - Application for disability leave benefits.

    123:1-33-14 - Conditions precluding receipt of disability leave benefits. 123:1-33-15 - Notice of disqualification from receipt of disability leave


    123:1-33-16 - Payment of disability leave benefits.

    These rules are being adopted and rescinded to group all of the rules dealing with disability leave benefits together and to make some amendments to how disability leave benefits are processed and handled.

    The Department of Administrative Services shall hold a public hearing on the proposed rule adoptions and rescissions on Monday, September 18, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room B-1, on the concourse level, of the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower located at 30 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. At this hearing, any person affected by the rule(s) may appear and be heard in person, by the person's attorney, or both, may present the person's position, arguments, or contentions orally or in writing,

    offer and examine witnesses, and present evidence that tends to show that the rule(s), if adopted or effectuated, will be unreasonable or unlawful.

    Individuals desiring only to submit their position, arguments, or contentions in writing (written statement) may do so by submitting them to the following address:

    DAS/HRD - Policy Development Office 100 East Broad Street, 15th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215

    Attn: Disability Leave Benefit Rules Hearing

    Any such written statements actually  received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 15, 2006, will be considered by the Department of Administrative Services. A person who timely submits a written statement prior to the hearing as described above, is not required to appear at the hearing to have the written statement considered in the rule making process.