4734-7-02 Standards for board-approved continuing education sponsors; continuing education held within the state of Ohio.  

  • 77 S. Hiah Street 16th Floor

    "l                              I DATE:      tri.QiJt0021??             t


    August 20? 2007

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    The Ohio State Chiropractic Board hereby announces that a public hearing will be held on September 20,2007 at 12:30 p.m. in the Vern Riffe Center for G vernment and the Arts, 77 South High Street; 19? Floor, Ro m 1918, Columbus, Ohio for the pu?pose of adopting new administrative rules and amending and rescinding certain existing administrative rules.

    Any person a?ected by the new proposed rules or any proposed rule amendment o? ?escission may:

        Appear and be hea? in person, by the person's attorney, or both at the hearing on September 20, 2007;

         Present their positions, a?uments, or contentions, orally or in w?iting;

         Offer and examine witnesses;

        Present evidence tending to show that the p?oposed rules, amendments or rescissions, if adopted or effectuated, would be un?easonable or unlawful.

    ?he boa?d will also pe?mit persons affected by the proposed rules or rules amendments and rescissions to present thei? positions? arguments? or contentions in writing. Written testimony must be received in the Boa?d office by Septembe? 20, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. to be included in the hearing record. You are not required to appear at the hearing if you choose to present your position, arguments or contentions in writing.

    Upon closu?e of the hea?ing reco?,the boa?d will thoroughly review and conside? all testimony . The board may make changes to a rule based on testimony received. If the boa?d ?efiles a rule? a second public hearing notice is not requi?ed unless the change in the rule makes the rule inconsistent with the public hearing notice p?ovided with the original rule filing.

    P?io? to the effective date of a rule, amendment o? rescission, the board shall make a reasonable effo?t to inform those affected. The method of notification will include posting the full text of the rules as adopted on the boa?d's web site and by sending notification to all cu?rent licensees via regular mail. Any person who p?ovided evidence, oral testimony, and/or a written statement which was made pa? of the record of the public hearing will also receive notification by ?gular mail.

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    A ????? of the proposed rules, amendments and rescissions are listed as folio?,Fo? detailed information, the full text of each rule is posted on the Board's website at www.chirobd.ohio.aov. Click on the link "Proposed Rules." y u may also contact the Board office to request c pies by fax or mail.

    Proposed New Rules

    4734 6 07    Addresses of Licensees (?scinded and drafted as new)

    To ?qui? licensees who possess an acupuncture certificate to abide by the same address repo?ting requirements as chiropractic physicians and to prohibit licensees from providing a post office box as a home and/or business add?ess without also disclosing the physical location of the home and/o? business.

         Terminating Patient Relationship

    Outlines formal procedures for terminating the doctor-patient relationship and the ?equired procedures for retiring from, leaving, selling or closing an office; defines procedu?e for when patient initiates termination of the doctor patient ?elationship and disposition of reco?ds upon death of a chirop?actic physician.

      Universal Precautions

    Outlines the procedures,?equi?ments and p?cautions requi?d when performing invasive procedures involving needles.

    4734-9-06      Sexual Misconduct (Original Rule will be rescinded and replaced with new 4734·9·06)

    Defines "patient," "doctor-patient ?elationship" and "sexual misconduct" and conduct that constitutes sexual misconduct.

    4734-10-1     Maintaining a Certificate to Practice Acupuncture

    Requires licensees to maintain an active chiropractic license in O?de? to possess an acupuncture ce?tifieate;?equires when a


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    likewise be suspended ,?voked, placed inactive o? f??eited. Prohibits a chiropractic physician from holding an active acupunctu?E certificate without an active chirop?actic license.

    4734-10-2   Acupuncture Course of Study Approval

    Outlines the ?equirementslo? acupuncture cou?ses of study and procedu?s b? applying for Boa?d-app?oval.

    4734-10·3   Application for Acupuncture Certificate

    Outlines the procedu?es and requirements for applying to? a ce?1ficate to practice acupunctu?e in the state of Ohio.

    4734-10-4    Acupuncture Certificate Renewal Requirements

    Outlines the procedu?es and ?quirements to? ?enewing an acupuncture ce?tificate.

    4734-10·5   Acupuncture Referral

    A chi?opractic physician may ?efe? a patient to an individual who holds a valid Medical Board certificate of ?egist?ation to practice acupuncture. The chiropractic physician must comply with all applicable sections of Chapte? 4762 in rega?d to supervision of the acupuncturist.

    Pro?osed Rule Amendments

    4734-6-08     Pre-Chiropractic Educational Requirements

    E?ective June 30? 2010 all applican? for chiropractic licensu?e must possess a bachelor's, maste?' or docto?a? deg?ee prior to making application for an Ohio license.

    4734-7-01      Chiropractic License Renewal Requirements

    Change title of rule and require chiropractic licensees to attest on thei? ?enewal application to achieving 24 hours of CE.

    4734"7-02    Application and Requirements lo? Approval of Continuing Education Programs

    Changes made to include application and ?·equirements for approval of acupuncture continuing education programs.

    4734-7·03    Continuing Education

    Delete Pa?a A (moved to Para. 8 of 4734-7-01).  Changes made to distinguish between chirop?actic and acupunctu?E CE.

    4734-7-04   Inactive License; Restoration of License

    Outlines prccedures and requirements to? inactivating and restoring chiropractic licenses and acupuncture certificates;

    ?equi?es chirop?actic licensees to place their acupunctu?e certificate on inactive status when inactivating their chirop?actic license; outlines how to inactivate and resto?e chiropractic licenses and acupunctu? ce?1ficates; outlines procedure to? the Boa?d to ?efuse o? deny ?estoration of an inactive chi?op?actic license o? acupunctu?e certificate.

    4734-8-03         Quality Intervention Program Changes made to incorporate acupunctu?E into the QIP.

                                     Advertising and Solicitation

    Requires those licensees who practice acupunctu?e to abide by the same advertising and soliciti?lg ?equirements as currently ?equired lo? chi?op?actic; deletes the ?equirement that licensees place the l?1itials D.C. afte? thei? name on all advertisements and solicitations; and prohibits acupuncture certificate holders from advertising o? ?P?esenting that they p?actice oriental medicine o? f?om utilizing any title? initials,? abb?eviations prohibited by ORC Section 4762.08.

          Signage and Display of License

    Requi?es public and p?ominent display of acupunctu?e ce?tificate and p?ohibits acupunctu?e certificate holders from utilizing any title? initials,? abbreviations p?ohibited by Ohio Revised Code Sectio?i4762.08 on any sign.

    4734.9"08    Professional Ethics

    Delete pa?ag?aph (M) ?ega?ding discontinuation of ca?E

    4734-9-10    Conduct Following Action Against a License

    Changes made to incorporate acupunctu?E in conduct following disciplina?y action.