3701-83-22 Quality assessment and performance improvement system.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: FINAL FILED Text Box: DATE: 08/26/2002 03:50 PM


    3701-83-22                  Quality assessment and improvement system.



    As part of the quality assessment program required under paragraph (A) of rule 3701-83-12 of the Administrative Code, each ASF shall collect and maintain the following data on an annual basis and shall report such data to the director upon request:


    (A) The number of operating rooms in the facility;


    (B)(A) The total number of patient visits;


    (C) The number of the ten most frequently performed procedures, by name and CPT code;


    (D)(B) The total number of patient transfers to a hospital and the reason why; and


    (C) The total number of deaths in the ASF; and


    (E)(D) The total number of deaths resulting either from the surgery or from surgical complications that occur in the ASF.



    Effective:                                9/5/2002


    R.C. 119.032 review dates:    2/28/2002 and 02/28/2006







    08/26/2002 03:50 PM






    Promulgated Under:   119.03

    Statutory Authority:   3702.13, 3702.30

    Rule Amplifies:           3702.12, 3702.13, 3702.30



    3701-83-22                                                                                                                            2

    Prior Effective Dates: 1/13/96

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Ill. Adm. Code 3701-83-22. Quality assessment and performance improvement system