3701-83-42 Quality assessment and performance improvement.  

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    3701-83-42                  Quality assessment and improvement.




    (A)    As part of the quality assessment and improvement program required under rule 3701-83-12 of the Administrative Code, each freestanding birth center shall evaluate the provision of direct care services for the mother and newborn. The evaluation of direct care services shall include:


    (1)     Development and evaluation of risk criteria for determining eligibility for admission to and continuation in the birth center program of care;


    (2)    Documentation and review of complications and adverse events which arose during the provision of the center's services including complications of pregnancy, labor and postpartum;


    (3)   Review and evaluation of the management of care;


    (4)     Evaluation of the appropriateness of diagnostic and screening procedures including laboratory studies, sonography, and non-stress tests;


    (5)     Evaluation of the appropriateness of medications prescribed, dispensed or administered in the birth center;


    (6)  Review of all transfers of mothers and neonates to a hospital or other health care setting or provider to determine the appropriateness and quality of the transfer;


    (7)   Development of discharge criteria for the mother and the newborn;


    (8)      Regular review of medical records including review for legibility and completeness;


    (9)    Annual review of protocols, policies and procedures relating to maternal and newborn care;


    (10)   Review of the maternal and newborn assessment procedures as they impact on quality of care and cost to the patient;






    (11)    Review of the provision of emergency services including services listed in paragraph (C) of rule 3701-83-34 of the Administrative Code; and

    (12)      Evaluation   of   the   center's   compliance   with   local,   state   and   federal requirements and national standards of care related to the provision of care.

    (B)    As part of the quality assessment program required under paragraph (A) of rule 3701-83-12 of the Administrative Code, each freestanding birth center shall report to the director:

    (1) Discharges;

    (2)(1) The total number of women who delivered Deliveries;

    (3)(2) The total number of live Live births by weight, in grams;

    (4)(3) The total number of fetal Fetal deaths;

    (5)(4) The total number of neonatal Neonatal deaths;

    (6)(5) The total number of maternal Maternal deaths;

    (7)(6) The total number of emergency cesarean-sections performed including: Cesarean deliveries including primary cesarean deliveries and repeat cesarean deliveries;

    (a) The total number of primary cesarean-sections, and

    (b) The total number of repeat cesarean-section;

    (8)(7) The total number of attempted vaginal Vaginal births after a previous cesarean-section and the total number of successful vaginal births after a cesarean-section cesarean delivery;

    (9)(8) The total number of newborns whose estimated For each newborn, the race, birthweight, and estimated gestational age is less than thirty-seven weeks, and the total number of newborns whose estimated gestational age is greater than forty-two weeks;

    (10)(9) The total number of maternal transfers to an obstetric and newborn care services including;Transfers of mother;

    (a) The total number of transfers prior to delivery, and

    (b) The total number of transfers after delivery;

    (11) Transfers of neonates; and

    (12)(10) The total number of patients seeking admission and the total Number of patients seeking admission and the number of patients admitted.

    Effective:                                9/5/2002

    R.C. 119.032 review dates:    2/28/2002 and 02/28/2006



    08/26/2002 03:50 PM


    Promulgated Under:   119.03

    Statutory Authority:   3702.13, 3702.30

    Rule Amplifies:           3702.12, 3702.13, 3702.30

    Prior Effective Dates: 6/27/96, 1/13/96

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Ill. Adm. Code 3701-83-42. Quality assessment and performance improvement