4758-3-01 Fees.  

  • Text Box: ACTION: Final Text Box: DATE: 08/07/2008 4:31 PM




    4758-3-01                    Fees.




    (A)  License fees shall be established by the board in amounts not to exceed the maximum allowable under Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code. Fees are subject to change by action of the board, the controlling board, and/or the general assembly.


    (1)   Fees shall be paid by check or money order made payable to the treasurer, state of Ohio.


    (2)   Fees shall be submitted to the board office at the time of the initial application.


    (3)   Fees are non-refundable.


    (4)   The fees are as follows:

    Application Fees

    CDCA Application


    Application for LCDC II, LCDC III, LICDC, OCPS I or OCPS II


    Conversion Application


    Registered Applicant


    Renewal Application


    Senior Citizen Renewal


    Renewal if both Prevention and Counselor Credentialed

    $100 per credential

    RCH Program Sponsor Application

    $5.00 per contact hour up to a maximum of


    RCH Provider Status Application

    $400.00 per one year or $700. per two years

    Master's Accreditation Application


    Master's Accreditation


    Master's Accreditation Renewal


    Grandparenting Application


    Examination Fees

    ICRC/AODA Counselor Written Examination


    ICRC/AODA CPM Examination


    ICRC/AODA Clinical Supervisor Written Examination


    ICRC/AODA Prevention Written Examination


    Study Guide Fees

    ICRC/AODA Counselor Written Exam Study Guide


    ICRC/AODA CPM Oral Exam


    ICRC/AODA Clinical Supervisor Written Exam Study Guide


    ICRC/AODA Prevention Written Exam Study Guide


    Other Fees

    Inactive Status Holding Fee


    Replacement/Duplicate Certificate/License


    Certification Extension Fee

    $75.00 per one year up to a maximum of three years

    (5)    A twenty dollar late fee shall be charged for any program sponsor application not received by the board at least thirty days before the event.

    (6)    There shall be a twenty dollar return check fee for all checks not accepted for deposit.

    Effective:                                                     08/17/2008

    R.C. 119.032 review dates:                         06/02/2008 and 06/13/2009





    Promulgated Under:                           119.03

    Statutory Authority:                           4758.20

    Rule Amplifies:                                  4758.21

    Prior Effective Dates:                         6/13/04, 4/1/07, 4/1/08

Document Information

Effective Date:
File Date:
Last Day in Effect:
Five Year Review:
Rule File:
Related Chapter/Rule NO.: (1)
Ill. Adm. Code 4758-3-01. Fees